• complaint

    From Daniel Ifechukwude Dibie@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 30 15:40:46 2023
    i tried to uninstall the python 3.11.3 program from my machine so that i
    can re-install it is showing successful but it is ligerning on the program
    and features

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dn@21:1/5 to Daniel Ifechukwude Dibie on Wed May 31 08:42:41 2023
    Hi Daniel,

    On 31/05/2023 02.40, Daniel Ifechukwude Dibie wrote:
    i tried to uninstall the python 3.11.3 program from my machine so that i
    can re-install it is showing successful but it is ligerning on the program and features

    Is that word "lingering". If so, do you mean that Python did not
    uninstall properly - or do you mean that the reinstalled version is slow
    to operate?

    Not understanding the question, I threw it into ChatGPT:-

    i tried to uninstall the python 3.11.3 program from my machine so that i
    can re-install it is showing successful but it is ligerning on the
    program and features

    If you are experiencing issues uninstalling Python 3.11.3 from your
    machine, here are a few steps you can try to resolve the problem:

    Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can help resolve
    issues related to the uninstallation process.

    Use an uninstaller tool: You can try using a third-party
    uninstaller tool to remove Python 3.11.3 from your system. These tools
    are designed to thoroughly remove programs, including any leftover files
    or registry entries. Some popular uninstaller tools include Revo
    Uninstaller, IObit Uninstaller, and Geek Uninstaller.

    Manual uninstallation: If the above steps don't work, you can try
    manually uninstalling Python 3.11.3. Here's how you can do it:
    Open the "Programs and Features" or "Apps & Features" section
    in your computer's control panel.
    Locate Python 3.11.3 in the list of installed programs.
    Click on Python 3.11.3 and select the "Uninstall" or "Remove"
    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
    uninstallation process.
    After the uninstallation is complete, you may also want to
    delete any remaining Python-related folders or files from your system.
    These are typically located in the "C:\Python3.11" directory.

    Please note that manually deleting files from your system can be risky
    if you're not familiar with the process. Be cautious and ensure that
    you're deleting the correct files associated with Python 3.11.3.

    Once you have successfully uninstalled Python 3.11.3, you can proceed
    with reinstalling it on your machine. Make sure to download the
    installer from the official Python website (https://www.python.org) and
    follow the installation instructions provided.

    i tried to uninstall the python 3.11.3 program from my machine so that i
    can re-install it is showing successful but it is slow to load the
    program and features


    If the uninstallation process appears to be successful, but you are experiencing slow loading of the "Programs and Features" section in the
    control panel, there might be a few possible reasons for this issue.
    Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem:

    Wait for a while: Sometimes, the uninstallation process might take
    some time to complete all the necessary tasks, especially if it's a
    large program like Python. It's possible that the program is still
    finalizing its uninstallation in the background. Give it some time and
    see if the "Programs and Features" section starts responding normally
    after a few minutes.

    Restart your computer: Restarting your computer can help resolve
    any lingering processes or system issues that may be causing the slow
    loading of the "Programs and Features" section. After restarting, try
    accessing the control panel again and see if the problem persists.

    Check for other processes or services: It's possible that other
    processes or services running on your computer are causing a slowdown.
    Close any unnecessary applications and check if there are any resource-intensive processes running in the background. You can open the
    Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) to check for any unusually high CPU or
    memory usage.

    Check for system errors: Run a scan for system errors using the
    built-in Windows System File Checker (SFC) tool. Open a Command Prompt
    as an administrator and run the command: sfc /scannow. This will scan
    your system for any corrupted or missing system files and attempt to
    repair them.

    Reinstall Python: If the issue persists, you can try reinstalling
    Python 3.11.3 again after performing the above steps. Make sure to
    follow the official installation instructions and download the installer
    from the official Python website (https://www.python.org).

    If none of the above steps resolve the slow loading issue, there might
    be underlying system issues causing the problem. You may consider
    seeking further assistance from a technical expert or your system
    administrator to diagnose and resolve the issue.

    NB I do not use MS-Windows (which is an assumption - not stated in OP),
    and thus cannot vouch for the veracity of this advice, nor for its
    accuracy - caveat emptor!

    Hope one of those sets of ideas will help...
    - will be interested to hear how you get on...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Barry@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 30 23:20:32 2023
    On 30 May 2023, at 21:10, Daniel Ifechukwude Dibie <d.danielife@gmail.com> wrote:

    i tried to uninstall the python 3.11.3 program from my machine so that i can re-install it is showing successful but it is ligerning on the program and features

    Maybe what you are seeing is the microsoft app store stubs for python?
    The python.org uninstall always works in my experience, but is not related to the app store stubs.

    Also why do you think you need to reinstall python?
    It would be very unusual that that would be necessary.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)