• "cannot open crypt.dll" using smtp::sendmessage on Windows 10

    From Alan Grunwald@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 10 16:49:49 2023
    I'm trying to send mail via gmail by executing

    set parts [list]
    lappend parts [mime::initialize \
    -canonical text/plain \
    -string "...1, 2, 3."]
    lappend parts [mime::initialize \
    -canonical text/html \
    -string "<div>...1, 2, <u>3</u>.</div>"]

    set tok [mime::initialize \
    -canonical multipart/alternative \
    -parts $parts]
    smtp::sendmessage $tok \
    -username sender.address@gmail.com \
    -password <password> \
    -servers smtp.gmail.com \
    -ports 587 \
    -header {Subject {"Testing, testing..."}} \
    -header {To recipient.address@gmail.com} \
    -header {From sender.address@gmail.com}
    mime::finalize $tok

    This fails in smtp::sendmessage with the error above.

    If I specify the body as either plain text or html, without the nested
    mime parts, all is well.

    Earlier, I was using multipart/mixed, rather than multipart/alternative
    for the parent mime part, but with an empty list of parts and that
    failed at the same point; however, even earlier, when I mistyped the
    mime type as "multipart.mixed" there was no crash.

    I'm really just interested in fixing this, and would be delighted simply
    to download crypt.dll and save it somewhere sensible, but when I
    searched for the error message I couldn't find anything more helpful
    than "remove and re-install the program" and links to some dodgy-looking download sites.

    Any help or pointers much appreciated,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Harald Oehlmann@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 10 18:06:58 2023

    could you also post the result of: the TCL stack trace ?

    catch {your command} err errdict
    dict get $errdict -errorinfo
    dict get $errdict -errorstack

    There should be some context, where this is called.

    Take care,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan Grunwald@21:1/5 to Harald Oehlmann on Sat Mar 11 13:56:39 2023
    On 10-Mar-2023 17:06, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
    catch {your command} err errdict
    dict get $errdict -errorinfo
    dict get $errdict -errorstack

    There should be some context, where this is called.

    You'd expect so, wouldn't you?

    In practice, both [dict get] commands fail with "key ... not known in dictionary. The error dictionary is simply

    -code 7 -level 0

    As I said in my original post, I'm principally interested in how reolve
    the error by getting hold of a copy of crypt.dll.

    While I could apparently work around the problem by sending the body
    part as either text/plain or text/html rather than both, the full use
    case also includes sending a couple of files as attachments, and that
    fails with the "cannot open crypt.dll" error.

    I don't think I've supplied the package versions; I'm using smtp 1.15.1
    and mime 1.7.0

    The error occurs in the call to sendmessageaux from sendmessage at
    approx line 323 (it's hard to be precise, because I've added some trace)
    just before the comment "Send the message to bcc recipients as a MIME attachment".

    Within sendmessageaux, there is an error in the call to wtext at around
    line 38, after the loop around all the recipients.

    Within wtext, an error - "cannot open crypt.dll"! - is returned by the
    call to wtextaux a little over halfway through, just after sending "300
    DATA" and checking for a 354 response.

    Within wtextaux, there is a comment about working around "a bug with
    stacking channels on top of TLS". The code immediately after this sets
    trf to 0 because the tls entry exists in the state array and has value
    1. Because of this, we call mime::buildmessage rather than
    mime::copymessage. mime::buildmessage returns an error.

    Within buildmessage, the error is returned by the call to
    buildmessageaux almost at the top of the proc. This proc is called via

    set code [catch {mime::buildmessageaux $token} result]

    and at this point, errorInfo has the value

    cannot open crypt.dll
    while executing
    "md5 -- $key"
    (procedure "getContentType" line 15)
    invoked from within
    "getContentType $token"
    (procedure "getheader" line 20)
    invoked from within
    "getheader $token"
    (procedure "copymessageaux" line 11)
    invoked from within
    "copymessageaux $token $chan"
    (procedure "mime::buildmessageaux" line 4)
    invoked from within
    "mime::buildmessageaux $token""
    code: "1", result: "cannot open crypt.dll"

    I'm really not sure that it will help for me to dive any deeper into the

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Harald Oehlmann@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 12 13:00:46 2023
    Am 11.03.2023 um 14:56 schrieb Alan Grunwald:
    On 10-Mar-2023 17:06, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
    catch {your command} err errdict
    dict get $errdict -errorinfo
    dict get $errdict -errorstack

    There should be some context, where this is called.

    You'd expect so, wouldn't you?

    In practice, both [dict get] commands fail with "key ... not known in dictionary. The error dictionary is simply

    -code 7 -level 0

    As I said in my original post, I'm principally interested in how reolve
    the error by getting hold of a copy of crypt.dll.

    While I could apparently work around the problem by sending the body
    part as either text/plain or text/html rather than both, the full use
    case also includes sending a couple of files as attachments, and that
    fails with the "cannot open crypt.dll" error.

    I don't think I've supplied the package versions; I'm using smtp 1.15.1
    and mime 1.7.0

    The error occurs in the call to sendmessageaux from sendmessage at
    approx line 323 (it's hard to be precise, because I've added some trace)
    just before the comment "Send the message to bcc recipients as a MIME attachment".

    Within sendmessageaux, there is an error in the call to wtext at around
    line 38, after the loop around all the recipients.

    Within wtext, an error - "cannot open crypt.dll"! - is returned by the
    call to wtextaux a little over halfway through, just after sending "300
    DATA" and checking for a 354 response.

    Within wtextaux, there is a comment about working around "a bug with
    stacking channels on top of TLS". The code immediately after this sets
    trf to 0 because the tls entry exists in the state array and has value
    1. Because of this, we call mime::buildmessage rather than
    mime::copymessage. mime::buildmessage returns an error.

    Within buildmessage, the error is returned by the call to
    buildmessageaux almost at the top of the proc. This proc is called via

            set code [catch {mime::buildmessageaux $token} result]

    and at this point, errorInfo has the value

    cannot open crypt.dll
        while executing
    "md5 -- $key"
        (procedure "getContentType" line 15)
        invoked from within
    "getContentType $token"
        (procedure "getheader" line 20)
        invoked from within
    "getheader $token"
        (procedure "copymessageaux" line 11)
        invoked from within
    "copymessageaux $token $chan"
        (procedure "mime::buildmessageaux" line 4)
        invoked from within
    "mime::buildmessageaux $token""
        code: "1", result: "cannot open crypt.dll"

    I'm really not sure that it will help for me to dive any deeper into the code.

    Ok. The man-page of the md5 command gives some insight:


    It is perhaps a failed critcl compile run?

    Just an idea,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan Grunwald@21:1/5 to Harald Oehlmann on Sun Mar 12 13:09:20 2023
    On 12/03/2023 12:00, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
    Am 11.03.2023 um 14:56 schrieb Alan Grunwald:


    I'm really not sure that it will help for me to dive any deeper into
    the code.

    Ok. The man-page of the md5 command gives some insight:


    It is perhaps a failed critcl compile run?

    I guess you're referring to the second paragraph of the description in
    the manpage:

    "If you have critcl and have built the tcllibc package then the
    implementation of the hashing function will be performed by compiled
    code. Alternatively if you have either cryptkit or Trf then either of
    these can be used to accelerate the digest computation. If no suitable
    compiled package is available then the pure-Tcl implementation wil be
    used. The programming interface remains the same in all cases."

    It's Windows. Installation is sufficiently effort free that I don't
    remember where I got the tcl installation from. I see that it's
    installed in C:\ActiveTcl, which I guess provides quite a clue! I'm
    fairly sure that I haven't built the tcllibc package. Nor do I,
    knowingly, have cryptkit or Trf. How can I check for tcllibc, cryptkit
    and Trf?

    I've assumed up to now that I have some package or other missing, which
    would provide crypt.dll; you seem to be suggesting that there may be a
    problem with the way that the md5 command determines what sort of
    installation I have.

    I shall dive back into the code!

    (By the way, I have not mentioned up to now that the code works fine on

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Harald Oehlmann@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 12 18:50:11 2023
    Am 12.03.2023 um 14:09 schrieb Alan Grunwald:
    It's Windows. Installation is sufficiently effort free that I don't
    remember where I got the tcl installation from. I see that it's
    installed in C:\ActiveTcl, which I guess provides quite a clue! I'm
    fairly sure that I haven't built the tcllibc package. Nor do I,
    knowingly, have cryptkit or Trf. How can I check for tcllibc, cryptkit
    and Trf?

    I've assumed up to now that I have some package or other missing, which
    would provide crypt.dll; you seem to be suggesting that there may be a problem with the way that the md5 command determines what sort of installation I have.

    I shall dive back into the code!

    (By the way, I have not mentioned up to now that the code works fine on Linux.)

    I am also on Windows. I never used critcl. It is a library, which
    creates dll files on the fly. That is great but fragile.

    I suggest to switch to the more recent TCL distribution by Ashok
    (Magicsplat). To my knowledge, ActiveState TCL is not maintained any more.

    Take care,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan Grunwald@21:1/5 to Harald Oehlmann on Tue Mar 14 14:00:37 2023
    On 12-Mar-2023 17:50, Harald Oehlmann wrote:
    Am 12.03.2023 um 14:09 schrieb Alan Grunwald:
    It's Windows. Installation is sufficiently effort free that I don't
    remember where I got the tcl installation from. I see that it's
    installed in C:\ActiveTcl, which I guess provides quite a clue! I'm
    fairly sure that I haven't built the tcllibc package. Nor do I,
    knowingly, have cryptkit or Trf. How can I check for tcllibc, cryptkit
    and Trf?

    I've assumed up to now that I have some package or other missing,
    which would provide crypt.dll; you seem to be suggesting that there
    may be a problem with the way that the md5 command determines what
    sort of installation I have.

    I shall dive back into the code!

    (By the way, I have not mentioned up to now that the code works fine
    on Linux.)

    I am also on Windows. I never used critcl. It is a library, which
    creates dll files on the fly. That is great but fragile.

    I suggest to switch to the more recent TCL distribution by Ashok (Magicsplat). To my knowledge, ActiveState TCL is not maintained any more.

    Take care,

    1) Thank you Harald. I have installed Ashok's Magicsplat distro, and
    using it, the following code, which very closely replicates my full use
    case (alternative plain text and html body; two attached files),
    completes correctly:

    set bits [list]
    lappend bits [mime::initialize \
    -canonical text/plain \
    -string "... 1, 2, 3"]
    lappend bits [mime::initialize \
    -canonical text/html \
    -string "<div>... <i>1</i>, <b>2</b>, <i><b>3</b></i></div>"]

    set parts [list]
    lappend parts [mime::initialize \
    -canonical multipart/alternative \
    -parts $bits]
    lappend parts [mime::initialize \
    -canonical {text/plain; name=.bashrc} \
    -file .bashrc]
    lappend parts [mime::initialize \
    -canonical {text/plain; name=.emacs} \
    -file .emacs]

    set tok [mime::initialize \
    -canonical multipart/mixed \
    -parts $parts]
    smtp::sendmessage $tok \
    -username sender@gmail.com \
    -password $pwd \
    -servers smtp.gmail.com \
    -ports 587 \
    -header {Subject "Testing, testing..."} \
    -header {To recipient@gmail.com} \
    -header {From sender@gmail.com}
    mime::finalize $tok

    2) I was mistaken; I apologise. Now that the code is working, I find
    that I am *very* interested in knowing why it failed. (Principally
    because I am used to the way ActiveTcl is installed and lays out its
    files; rather than learn how Ashok lays out the files for Magicsplat, I
    would build Tcl from sources myself on Windows, and I'd rather not do
    that, so I'm prepared to put some effort into fixing the unsupported
    ActiveTcl installation.)

    I'm curious why it is that although both my ActivState and my Magicsplat
    builds are providing the same versions of the mime and smtp packages (respectively 1.7.0 and 1.5.1 - I have installed the latest tcllib
    (1.21) into ActiveTcl alongside the supplied version (1.18), again
    apologies for not stating this explicitly before now) the builds behave differently.

    I have yet to investigate how the failing call

    md5 -- $key

    is operating, but I note that on the (failing) ActiveTcl installation
    provides a command md5, while the (working) Magicsplat installation
    provides a proc mime::md5.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan Grunwald@21:1/5 to Alan Grunwald on Tue Mar 14 17:47:42 2023
    On 14-Mar-2023 14:00, Alan Grunwald wrote:

    2) I was mistaken; I apologise. Now that the code is working, I find
    that I am *very* interested in knowing why it failed. (Principally
    because I am used to the way ActiveTcl is installed and lays out its
    files; rather than learn how Ashok lays out the files for Magicsplat, I
    would build Tcl from sources myself on Windows, and I'd rather not do
    that, so I'm prepared to put some effort into fixing the unsupported ActiveTcl installation.)

    A few minutes thought about the problem with ActiveTcl suggest that the problems occurred at installation time. The installation process seems
    to be somewhat opaque, so I have turned to building Tcl/Tk from sources.

    This went rather better than I feared and I now have bright, shiny
    tclsh.exe and wish.exe, both at 8.6.13.

    (I have a very minor issue with the build instructions for Windows at https://www.tcl-lang.org/doc/howto/compile.html#win:

    The text below the bulletted list states that you need to modify
    makefile.vc to specify required paths - as far as I can tell, you don't.)

    I now have problems building or otherwise getting hold of a working tdom
    with support for -html5. See another thread...

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