• mCrypt

    From Mike Sanders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 10:29:17 2023
    Okay, taken this about as far as I can without revealing some work-related stuff. This is realted to the 'mHash' thread elsewhere.

    A little string substitution cipher called 'mCrypt' (Mike's Crypt) below...

    Couple of quick additional notes:

    . substitution ciphers have a surface area of attack that are prone to
    frequency analysis, so the astute user will use a long password, or better
    yet a 'passphrase'. Song lyrics are easy to remember, eg:

    passphrase: 'We all live in a yellow Subm@rine321"

    . error-checking is your baby, here's its handled in advance, be sure to look
    at the length of input strings and password length.

    . the line containing the string 'BASE' may wrap in your newsreader, so watch
    for that issue, it needs to on a single line...

    Have fun =)

    # init_map(password): Initializes and returns the substitution map based on
    # the provided password. The password influences the ordering of characters
    # in the map.
    # sanitize_password(password): Sanitizes the provided password by removing
    # any character not present in the BASE character set. It also ensures that
    # each character is unique in the sanitized password.
    # mCrypt(str, password, mode): Depending on the mode, it either encodes or
    # decodes the input string str using the substitution cipher. Mode 1 is for
    # encoding, and Mode 0 is for decoding. The function returns the transformed
    # string.
    # The string variable 'BASE' contains all printable ASCII characters except
    # newline ('\n'), which are in the range 32 to 126 inclusive.

    BEGIN {

    BASE = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"

    e = mCrypt("Obladi Oblada Life Goes On Brah!", "P@ssw0rd", 1)
    d = mCrypt(e, "P@ssw0rd", 0)

    printf("Encoded: %s\n", e)
    printf("Decoded: %s\n", d)


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function init_map(password, x, y, p, c, map) {

    map = ""
    password = sanitize_password(password, BASE)
    p = password
    x = length(BASE)

    while(length(map) < x) {
    for(y = 1; y <= length(p); y++) {
    c = substr(p, y, 1)
    if(index(map, c) == 0) map = map c
    p = BASE

    return map


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function sanitize_password(password, x, y, c, tmp) {

    tmp = ""
    y = length(password)

    while(++x <= y) {
    c = substr(password, x, 1)
    if(index(BASE, c) != 0 && index(tmp, c) == 0) tmp = tmp c

    return tmp

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function mCrypt(str, password, mode, x, y, z, c, s, map, buf) {

    map = init_map(password)
    buf = ""
    y = length(str)

    while(++x <= y) {
    c = substr(str, x, 1)
    z = (mode == 1 ? index(BASE, c) : index(map, c))
    s = (z == 0 ? c : substr(mode == 1 ? map : BASE, z, 1))
    buf = buf s

    return buf

    # eof

    Mike Sanders

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