• What Makes for Good Comments? (Part 2 of 4)

    From Wayne@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 26 20:36:53 2022
    Why Comments

    Why comments refer to the reasons for writing the code in a particular way. A why comment is for explaining a particular implementation decision or the programmer’s intent, especially if it’s not the “obvious” design choice. If
    the obvious choice is to use an int but you use a double or (even stranger) a String, a why comment is useful.

    There can be many reasons why some code was written in a non-obvious way. Some examples include formulas that were rearranged to reduce round-off error or to avoid overflow, code you are not allowed change, and code requiring non-intuitive design for security reasons (say to eliminate side-channel attacks). (A poor reason is trying for extra performance.)

    Why comments are also used to document the reasons for the code, often listing a reference to an issue (or ticket) in some issue-tracking system. Comments for bug fixes generally go in the testing code, not the application code.
    (When fixing bugs, you first add a failing test then fix the code. The bug fix comment belongs with the test code.)

    Here’s an example of a good why comment, adapted from Robert Martin’s Clean Code (p. 59):

    // The following trim is required, since it
    // removes leading space that would cause the
    // the item to be recognized as another list:
    String listItemContent = match.group(3).trim();

    (Some why comments are too long to mix with the code and can be kept in a separate "design notes" text file.)

    Feedback welcome!


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