• LogicalPuzzlesGenerator and SpaceShipModelsGenerator for kids

    From Pawel Biernacki@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 11 13:27:49 2016

    I have some Perl code I wrote for my kid once, it is not published yet, I thought I would publish it and wanted to discuss the need. The question is whether anybody would use it. Second question - how to name the modules. I have never published anything
    on CPAN yet, this would be my first contribution.


    It is a logical puzzle for kids, generated with Perl mixed with Prolog.


    It is a kind of 3D object to cut and fold, also created with Perl and Prolog. You have to print out four sides of a "space ship" and glue them together.

    Pawel Biernacki

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  • From Pawel Biernacki@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 23 03:35:25 2018

    I have written it. The logical puzzle generator is at https://github.com/pawelbiernacki/App-ForKids-LogicalPuzzleGenerator .

    You can use it as follows:

    use App::ForKids::LogicalPuzzleGenerator;

    my $x = App::ForKids::LogicalPuzzleGenerator->new(range=>3, amount_of_facts_per_session => 4);

    print $$x{intro_story};

    print $$x{story};

    print $$x{solution_story};

    The other one - lattice generator is at https://github.com/pawelbiernacki/Games-LatticeGenerator .

    You can use it as follows:

    use Games::LatticeGenerator;

    my $f = Games::LatticeGenerator->new(debug => 1);

    create_a_random_model("Games::LatticeGenerator::Model::Spaceship", "spaceship");

    It creates some files (PNG) that should be printed out, cut off and glued together.

    Pawel Biernacki

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