• 2nd CfP: SLE 2023 - 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Softwa

    From Andrei Chis@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 01:51:06 2023
    16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2023)
    October 22-27, 2023
    Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal

    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sleconf ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2023), held in conjunction with SPLASH 2023. The conference will be hosted in Cascais, Lisbon, Portugal on October 22-27,

    Topics of Interest

    SLE covers software language engineering rather than engineering a specific software language. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Software Language Design and Implementation
    - Approaches to and methods for language design
    - Static semantics (e.g., design rules, well-formedness constraints)
    - Techniques for specifying behavioral/executable semantics
    - Generative approaches (incl. code synthesis, compilation)
    - Meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches
    * Software Language Validation
    - Verification and formal methods for languages
    - Testing techniques for languages
    - Simulation techniques for languages
    * Software Language Integration and Composition
    - Coordination of heterogeneous languages and tools
    - Mappings between languages (incl. transformation languages)
    - Traceability between languages
    - Deployment of languages to different platforms
    * Software Language Maintenance
    - Software language reuse
    - Language evolution
    - Language families and variability, language and software product lines
    * Domain-specific approaches for any aspects of SLE (design, implementation, validation, maintenance)
    * Empirical evaluation and experience reports of language engineering tools
    - User studies evaluating usability
    - Performance benchmarks
    - Industrial applications
    * Synergies between Language Engineering and emerging/promising research areas
    - AI and ML language engineering (e.g., ML compiler testing, code classification) Quantum language engineering (e.g., language design for quantum machines)
    - Language engineering for physical systems (e.g., CPS, IoT, digital twins)
    - Socio-technical systems and language engineering (e.g., language evolution to adapt to social requirements)
    - Etc.

    Types of Submissions

    SLE accepts the following types of papers:

    * Research papers: These are “traditional” papers detailing research contributions to SLE. Papers may range from 6 to 12 pages in length and may optionally include 2 further pages of bibliography/appendices. Papers will be reviewed with an
    understanding that some results do not need 12 full pages and may be fully described in fewer pages.

    * New ideas/vision papers: These papers may describe new, unconventional software language engineering research positions or approaches that depart from standard practice. They can describe well-defined research ideas that are at an early stage of
    investigation. They could also provide new evidence to challenge common wisdom, present new unifying theories about existing SLE research that provides novel insight or that can lead to the development of new technologies or approaches, or apply SLE
    technology to radically new application areas. New ideas/vision papers must not exceed 5 pages and may optionally include 1 further page of bibliography/appendices.

    * SLE Body of Knowledge: The SLE Body of Knowledge (SLEBoK) is a community-wide effort to provide a unique and comprehensive description of the concepts, best practices, tools, and methods developed by the SLE community. In this respect, the SLE
    conference will accept surveys, essays, open challenges, empirical observations, and case study papers on the SLE topics. These can focus on, but are not limited to, methods, techniques, best practices, and teaching approaches. Papers in this category
    can have up to 20 pages, including bibliography/appendices.

    * Tool papers: These papers focus on the tooling aspects often forgotten or neglected in research papers. A good tool paper focuses on practical insights that will likely be useful to other implementers or users in the future. Any of the SLE topics of
    interest are appropriate areas for tool demonstrations. Submissions must not exceed 5 pages and may optionally include 1 further page of bibliography/appendices. They may optionally include an appendix with a demo outline/screenshots and/or a short video/
    screencast illustrating the tool.

    **Workshops**: Workshops will be organized by SPLASH. Please inform us and contact the SPLASH organizers if you would like to organize a workshop of interest to the SLE audience. Information on how to submit workshops can be found on the SPLASH 2023

    Important Dates

    All dates are Anywhere on Earth.

    * Abstract submissions: June 26, 2023
    * Paper submissions: June 30, 2023
    * Review notification: August 11, 2023 (starting of the rebuttal)
    * Author response period: August 18, 2023 (end of the rebuttal)
    * Notification: August 25, 2023
    * Artifact submissions: August 30, 2023
    * Artifact kick-the-tires Author response: September 15, 2023
    * Artifact notification: September 29, 2023
    * Conference: October 22-27, 2023 (co-located with SPLASH, precise dates to be announced)


    Submissions have to use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format "acmart"(http://sigplan.org/Resources/Author/#acmart-format); please make sure that you always use the latest ACM SIGPLAN acmart LaTeX template(https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/
    publications/consolidated-tex-template/acmart-master.zip), and that the document class definition is `\documentclass[sigplan,anonymous,review]{acmart}`. Do not make any changes to this format!

    Ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes in figures and tables are legible.

    To increase fairness in reviewing, a double-blind review process has become standard across SIGPLAN conferences. In this line, SLE will follow the double-blind process. Author names and institutions should be omitted from submitted papers, and references
    to the authors’ own related work should be in the third person. No other changes are
    necessary, and authors will not be penalized if reviewers are able to infer their identities in implicit ways.

    All submissions must be in PDF format. The submission website is: https://sle23.hotcrp.com

    Concurrent Submissions

    Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as described by SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication). Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy
    and Procedures on Plagiarism (http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism_policy). Submissions that violate these policies will be desk-rejected.

    Policy on Human Participant and Subject Research

    Authors conducting research involving human participants and subjects must ensure that their research comply with their local governing laws and regulations and the ACM’s general principles as stated in the ACM’s Publications Policy on Research
    Involving Human Participants and Subjects (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/research-involving-human-participants-and-subjects). Submissions that violate this policy will be rejected.

    Reviewing Process

    All submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Research papers and tool papers will be evaluated concerning novelty, correctness, significance, readability, and alignment with the conference call. New ideas/vision papers will be
    evaluated primarily concerning novelty, significance, readability, and alignment with the conference call. SLEBoK papers will be reviewed on their significance, readability, topicality and capacity of presenting/evaluating/demonstrating a piece of BoK
    about SLE.

    For fairness reasons, all submitted papers must conform to the above instructions. Submissions that violate these instructions may be rejected without review, at the discretion of the PC chairs.

    Artifact Evaluation

    For the seventh year, SLE will use an evaluation process for assessing the quality of the artifacts on which papers are based to foster the culture of experimental reproducibility. Authors of accepted research papers are invited to submit artifacts. For
    more information, please have a look at the Artifact Evaluation (http://www.sleconf.org/2023/ArtifactEvaluation.html) page.


    - **Distinguished paper**: Award for most notable paper, as determined by the PC chairs based on the recommendations of the programme committee.
    - **Distinguished artifact**: Award for the artifact most significantly exceeding expectations, as determined by the AEC chairs based on the recommendations of the artifact evaluation committee.


    All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

    **AUTHORS TAKE NOTE**: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline
    for any patent filings
    related to published work.

    SLE and Doctoral Students

    SLE encourages students to submit to the SPLASH doctoral symposium. Authors of accepted papers will have the chance to present their work to the SLE audience, too.



    * General chair: João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
    * PC co-chair: Thomas Degueule, CNRS/LaBRI, France
    * PC co-chair: Elizabeth Scott, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
    * Publicity chair: Andrei Chis, feenk gmbh, Switzerland

    Program committee:

    Jean-Christophe Bach, IMT Atlantique, France
    Thomas van Binsbergen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
    Jordi Cabot, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
    Horatiu Cirstea, University of Lorraine and Loria, France
    Romina Eramo, University of l’Aquila, Italy
    Bernd Fischer, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
    Görel Hedin, Lund University, Sweden
    Felienne Hermans, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Robert Hirschfeld, University of Potsdam, Germany
    Zhenjiang Hu, Peking University, China
    Adrian Johnstone, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
    Dimitris Kolovos, University of York, UK
    Ivan Kurtev, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
    Ralf Lämmel, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
    Julien Lange, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
    Stefan Marr, University of Kent, UK
    Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia
    Gunter Mussbacher, McGill University, Canada
    Oscar Nierstrasz, feenk GmbH, Switzerland
    Bruno Oliveira, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Casper Bach Poulsen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
    Juri Di Rocco, University of l’Aquila, Italy
    Davide Di Ruscio, University of l’Aquila, Italy
    Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
    Neil Sculthorpe, Nottingham Trent University, UK
    Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Australian National University, Australia
    Tijs van der Storm, CWI and University of Groningen, Netherlands
    Tamás Szabó, GitHub Next, Germany
    Mauricio Verano Merino, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
    Vadim Zaytsev, University of Twente, Netherlands
    Philipp Zech, University of Innsbruck, Austria


    For additional information, clarification, or answers, please get in touch with the program co-chairs (E.Scott at rhul.ac.uk and thomas.degueule at labri.fr).

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