• Re: 2nd Call for Contributions: BOB 2023 [March 17, Deadline Nov 21]

    From Fed up@21:1/5 to Michael Sperber on Fri Nov 11 19:07:10 2022
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme, comp.lang.dylan

    On 2022-11-08 at 19:48 +0100, Michael Sperber wrote:

    We may ask you to wear a mask indoors when not presenting or eating,
    and may also ask you to take a COVID test on-site before the event.

    This ridiculous bullshit must end. Germany, quite appropriately, has
    become the main centre of Nazi-style state terror in the world. Germany
    is an enemy of my and of everybody's freedom. It must be treated with
    derision and spite.

    Fuck you again.

    Everybody, boycott this shitty event.

    Fed up

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