• "It's Embarrassingly Hard to Get Google Gemini to Acknowledge That Whit

    From D. Ray@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 24 20:43:39 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.misc, alt.censorship
    XPost: comp.misc

    Google's so-called "AI" Gemini (formerly Bard) is being manually programmed
    to erase white people.



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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From immibis@21:1/5 to D. Ray on Mon Feb 26 12:25:42 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.misc, alt.censorship
    XPost: comp.misc

    On 24/02/24 21:43, D. Ray wrote:
    Google's so-called "AI" Gemini (formerly Bard) is being manually programmed to erase white people.



    Most people, including white supremacists, don't acknowledge that white
    people exist. White people are normally seen as the default, just
    "people" and not "white people", unless being contrasted with something
    else. "Black people" are often spoken of; so are "black and white
    people"; "white people" is relatively rare unless coming from someone
    who studies race a lot. Is it not the goal of an AI to mimic a human,
    and therefore, to mimic human biases?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D. Ray@21:1/5 to immibis on Tue Feb 27 06:46:54 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.misc, alt.censorship
    XPost: comp.misc

    immibis <news@immibis.com> wrote:
    On 24/02/24 21:43, D. Ray wrote:
    Google's so-called "AI" Gemini (formerly Bard) is being manually programmed >> to erase white people.



    Most people, including white supremacists, don't acknowledge that white people exist.

    So “White supremacists” think of Blacks when asked about people who were born in Scotland in year 1820? I hope you understand how it sounds.

    White people are normally seen as the default, just
    "people" and not "white people", unless being contrasted with something
    else. "Black people" are often spoken of; so are "black and white
    people"; "white people" is relatively rare unless coming from someone
    who studies race a lot. Is it not the goal of an AI to mimic a human,
    and therefore, to mimic human biases?

    Strange argument.

    If human is imagining White people by default when thinking of people, then
    AI is doing a bad job mimicking human by using any other race except of
    White if race was not specified.

    What really happens is, of course, that AI was manually programmed to do
    that specifically in order to remove White people from history and
    everywhere else and replace them with “diversity” instead, so future generations will think that’s the way it always been.

    I wonder how long it is until they start to recreate historical footage, photographs, and paintings to insert “diversity”. AI will have that capability very soon.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)