• Re: Google settles $5 billion lawsuit over tracking people while in 'in

    From google lies@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 30 21:39:07 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, rec.arts.tv, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 30 Dec 2023, Trump <patriot1@protonmail.com> posted some news:umpnad$1c1ic$9@dont-email.me:

    Democrats were perfectly content to allow google to continue invading privacy.

    Google agreed to settle a $5 billion lawsuit that alleged it had spied
    on people who had activated its "incognito mode," a setting in Google
    Chrome that promises freedom and privacy.

    The class-action lawsuit in question was filed in 2020. It argued that
    Google had misled users by telling them it wasn't tracking their online
    data or activities via cookies and apps while incognito mode was
    activated. In reality, Google's advertising software continued to track
    the user and present advertisements that reflected their interests,
    according to the suit. U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who
    had overseen the case, put a scheduled trial on hold after lawyers said
    they reached a preliminary settlement.

    The settlement terms have not been disclosed, although a formal
    settlement is expected to be revealed in early 2024 for a judge's

    Google and the lawyers behind the initial lawsuit did not respond to
    requests for comment.

    The lawsuit attempts to acquire at least $5,000 in damages per user due
    to violations of federal wiretapping and California privacy laws, or an estimated $5 billion.

    Rogers rejected Google's attempt to dismiss the lawsuit in August,
    claiming that she could not find proof users had consented to have
    information collected when using tools designed by Google to provide the highest level of privacy.

    Google has faced a lot of legal trouble in recent months. The company
    was found guilty by a jury of holding an illegal monopoly over the
    Google Play Store and forcing app developers to work through its app
    providers. It is also awaiting a judge's decision in its court battle
    with the Department of Justice over allegations that it had established
    a monopoly through agreements signed with browser developers and phone
    makers to make Google the default search engine.

    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/google-settles-lawsu it-tracking-people-incognito-mode

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