• Google parent's top nigger lawyer quits amid sexual misconduct probe

    From Dave Cross@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 15 04:20:01 2020
    XPost: alt.business, alt.niggers, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics

    Alphabet’s top lawyer announced he is leaving the company he
    helped build amid an investigation into his relationships with
    other staffers.

    David Drummond, the 56-year-old chief legal officer of Google’s
    parent company, will leave the search giant at the end of the
    month, according to a note he sent to colleagues.

    And despite having been with the tech giant for 18 years,
    Drummond is not receiving an exit package, a spokeswoman

    In his letter, Drummond claims he is going to “retire,” and
    cites the recent decision of Google co-founders Larry Page and
    Sergey Brin to step back from operational roles as factoring
    into his decision to also jump ship.

    “With Larry and Sergey now leaving their executive roles at
    Alphabet, the company is entering an exciting new phase, and I
    believe that it’s also the right time for me to make way for the
    next generation of leaders,” Drummond wrote. “As a result, after
    careful consideration, I have decided to retire at the end of
    this month.”

    But the departure also comes just months after it emerged that
    Alphabet’s board of directors opened an investigation into
    Drummond after a stunning blog post by a former underling who
    accused him of regularly ignoring the tech giant’s rules around
    romantic relationships.

    Drummond not only failed to tell his superiors about his
    extramarital affair with Jennifer Blakely, who worked under him,
    he then left her for a co-worker a year after they had a child
    together, Blakely claimed in her August blog post on Medium.

    Drummond then had an affair with his “personal assistant,”
    followed by yet another subordinate from the legal department,
    Blakely said.

    At the time, Drummond admitted to a “difficult” breakup with
    Blakely, but denied having “started a relationship with anyone
    else who was working at Google or Alphabet.” A week later, he
    married Corinne Dixon, who also works in Google’s legal
    department, but who does not report directly to Drummond.

    The lawyer last week dumped $77 million worth of Alphabet stock,
    according to SEC filings, and had dumped more than an additional
    $100 million in the previous two months.

    Aside from confirming Drummond’s departure and his lack of an
    exit package, Google declined to comment.

    In 2018, Google made headlines for eye-popping severance
    packages it has paid to three executives accused of sexual
    misconduct — including a $90 million golden parachute for
    Android creator Andy Rubin.

    https://nypost.com/2020/01/10/google-parents-top-lawyer-quits- amid-sexual-misconduct-probe/

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