• A problem about plotting band under pdf terminal

    From FLUSH WEN@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 5 06:29:40 2021
    Here is my main code:

    set term pdf enh solid color
    set style fill transparent solid 0.3 noborder
    datafile = "ABC.dat"
    plot datafile using 1:2:3 notitle w filledcurves lc "purple", \
    datafile using 1:3:4 notitle w filledcurves lc "purple", \
    datafile using 1:6 title "Average" w l ls 1 lw 3

    And then here's the problem. Although I have set both bands' color to be "purple", they still show a different color deeper than purple where two bands overlap. And that is what I don't want. I want an additive band with one uniform color.
    But if I simply change the terminal from pdf to post, I won't get an image with transparent lines. Because it seems post terminal doesn't support transparency.
    So can I have a solution to this problem? Thanks a million!!

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