• Phoenix CenturyLink Employee Wins Federal Case Charging CWA Union with

    From The Telecom Digest@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 11 02:30:54 2023
    CWA officials illegally refused worker’s membership resignation and
    request to stop dues deductions

    Phoenix, AZ (April 6, 2023) – CenturyLink Communications employee
    Adrianna Delatorre has forced Communications Workers of America (CWA)
    Local 7019 union officials to back down in her federal case, in which
    she charged them with seizing dues money illegally from her wages.
    Delatorre, who filed charges against both the CWA union and her
    employer at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in May 2022,
    received free legal representation from National Right to Work Legal
    Defense Foundation staff attorneys.


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