• Kagan: What Verizon and AT&T should learn from T-Mobile US [telecom]

    From Bill Horne@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 12 19:28:50 2022
    Jeff Kagan <https://www.rcrwireless.com/author/jkagan>
    By Jeff Kaga <https://www.rcrwireless.com/author/jkagan>

    Verizon has always been one of the United States premier
    telecommunications providers. However, during the past decade, not so
    much. Years ago, they were on a growth track under CEO Ivan Seidenberg
    until he retired. Since that point they have struggled to find a new
    path to growth. Under CEO Lowell McAdam, Verizon struggled and even
    today, while it looks like new CEO Hans Vestberg is showing some
    progress, the company is still not on a healthy growth track. Not yet

    Through the past year, Vestberg created an entirely new leadership team.
    That being said, Manon Brouillette who ran consumer was just asked to
    leave. Vestberg will replace her until someone else is found.


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