• AT&T quietly cuts another 2,500 jobs [telecom]

    From Bill Horne@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 24 18:11:08 2022
    By Iain Morris

    America's oldest provider of telecom services continued its zero-touch
    mission with the quiet elimination of another 2,500 jobs between July
    and September. AT&T typically ejects tens of thousands of employees
    annually, and so the latest figure is easy to miss, accounting for
    just 1.5% of AT&T's 172,400-strong workforce at the end of June.

    It represents the continuation of a long-running trend,
    nevertheless. At some point in the not-too-dim-and-distant future, the
    human element of AT&T will be its shareholders, its customers and CEO
    John Stankey or his successor, leaving artificial intelligence to run
    the network, fix the boxes, sell the phones and fetch the sole
    remaining employee a morning latte.


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