• Pay cuts push 300 T-Mobile customer service reps to form union [telecom

    From Bill Horne@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 23 00:36:10 2022
    October 21, 2022 10:02 AM CDT By Mark Gruenberg

    SEATTLE —T-Mobile’s pay cuts last year, which cost each worker
    thousands of dollars in yearly pay, and the firm’s threat for more
    layoffs following at least 5,000 people it fired in 2021, pushed some
    300 customer service reps at the firm to form their own union. They
    unveiled it during a company-wide zoom call on October 19.

    The T-Force Social Care Alliance (TSCA), is trying to model itself on
    the independent grass-roots-organized Amazon Labor Union and on
    Workers United, another grass-roots group—aided by the Service Employees—which is unionizing Starbucks stores nationwide.


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