• Just so you know it's not all fun and tech-talk here at T-D central [nf

    From Bill Horne@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 15 13:43:04 2022
    Periodically, I get emails like the one shown below, and sometimes I
    also get reminders that I haven't included the URL's the script
    kiddies asked me to put up for them.

    These oh-so-folksy messages are intended for those who've inherited responsibility for a company or school or club website, without
    experience or training. We've all been there, and we all know that it
    takes a while to get used to winnowing the wheat away from the chaff.

    This particular chaff is an automated attempt to convince me to
    include a web link in an issue of the Digest that's about two years
    old: no doubt, it's got a few keywords that they want to be associated
    with, not because they're interested in telecommunicaitons, but
    because the count of web links that point to a particular site is a
    critical factor in determining the "page rank" that site gets on
    Internet search engines such as Google. Increasing page ranking is the
    ne plus ultra of the SEO world: it's what the script kiddies who write,
    and then spam me with this carp are trying to accomplish.

    So, as a public service, I'm passing along this oh-so-touching-but-not-in-a-good-way attempt to help some fast buck
    artist make some extra money. Please spread the word: the original
    email, with headers, is available for anyone who is in the business
    and willing to write to me offline.

    Oh, and please feel free to use the phone number that's listed to tell
    "Amber" that I think bridges should be made out of steel, and that
    he/she/it is wasting his/her/their time sending this to me.

    Bill Horne

    (Please remove QRM from my email address to write to me directly)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    | From the never-ending-BOHICA-story department ... |
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Good morning again Mr. Horne -

    I'm reaching out again to see if you've possibly had time to review
    the [material] that I sent over a few weeks ago? I think it would be
    really helpful to your visitors & would make a great addition to your
    page at:

    It was just updated with newly published data surrounding the
    industry. I’ve included the guide below: - https://www.not-on-their-best-day-and-my-worst.invalid

    Thanks so much again for your time with this & looking forward to your
    thoughts -


    On 8/27/2022 8:31 AM, Amber Bridges wrote:

    Good morning -

    I have a quick question about some of the content that's on your
    website. You have some really great information & I wanted to ask your
    policies for linking to other sites as resources.

    My name is Amber Bridges with [Sincere-sounding-keyword-name]. We
    publish unbiased, professionally reviewed content that helps current & prospective college students looking for guidance on training &
    educational opportunities in the data science industry.

    Our information is reviewed by top-tier professionals in the computer
    science & engineering spaces and our content has been cited by
    numerous industry organizations & academic institutions.

    Our editors have recently updated our [Sincere-sounding-keyword-name]
    that include lists of scholarships, comprehensive degree program data, licensing & certification info by state, and career profiles for the
    industry. You can see the guide here: - https://www.not-on-my-worst-day-and-their-best.invalid/

    Would you be open to including a link to this page with your other
    resources on this page: http://telecom-digest.org/[redacted]/volume=39&issue=151

    I really believe that your visitors would find it to be valuable &
    would make a great addition to your list of resources.

    Thank you so much for considering us & please let me know if you have
    any questions about the sites or their content.

    Thanks again & talk soon -

    Amber Bridges
    Senior Editor - [Sincere-sounding-keyword-name]
    [P]: (816) 343-4905

    About Us: [Sincere-sounding-keyword-name] provides community resources
    that are centered around higher education in the US. You can read more
    about us by visiting our websites or by viewing our privacy policy. If
    you do not wish to receive emails from us, please click to
    Unsubscribe. This message is intended for audiences in the United
    States only; if this email has reached anyone outside of the United
    States, please let us know and we will remove you from our mailing

    (Please remove QRM from my email address to write to me directly, and
    please note that the Telecom Digest's email address must be modified
    in an obvious way to reply to this post via email.)

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