• concept of time-slot

    From Elnaz@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 16 11:36:10 2018
    In some equipment there is a concept called time-slot that shows different locations of TU-12 within a VC-4.
    I study G.783, G.806 and G.784 but I think this concept is not exist in these standards.
    my question is whether or not time-slot with this concept according to ITU-T standard?
    Thanks in advance

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  • From Huub van Helvoort@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 18 17:23:36 2018
    Hello Elnaz,

    You ask:

    In some equipment there is a concept called time-slot that shows different locations
    of TU-12 within a VC-4.


    I study G.783, G.806 and G.784 but I think this concept is not exist in these standards.
    my question is whether or not time-slot with this concept according to ITU-T standard?

    Did you search for "timeslot"?

    I see it 11 times in G.783, 2 times in G.806.
    In G.707 search for "time slot" (11 times)

    Best regards, Huub.

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