• [Credit Newsom / Pelosi ...] California Unemployment Fund Declared 'Ins

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 5 19:47:01 2024
    XPost: ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.economics

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/california-unemployment-fund- declared-insolvent-following-55b-fraud-businesses-to-bear-costs/ar-

    California is grappling with a severe financial crisis in its unemployment insurance fund, a situation described by experts as “structurally
    insolvent” due to the staggering amount of fraud and overpayments during
    the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has forced the state to confront a
    daunting $21 billion loan from the federal government, an obligation it currently lacks the means to repay.

    Efforts to address this financial quagmire have led to proposals from California Democrats to enact sweeping changes, including quintupling unemployment insurance taxes and nearly doubling unemployment benefits.
    These proposals reflect the urgency of the situation, as the state’s unemployment insurance fund faces unprecedented strain.

    The magnitude of the challenge facing California’s unemployment insurance
    fund is underscored by the numbers. In 2020 alone, the state borrowed a staggering $17.8 billion to sustain unemployment payments, a figure
    projected to balloon to $20.8 billion by the end of 2024 due to
    insufficient payments. Compounding the issue is the anticipated rise in unemployment, with projections indicating an increase from 804,000
    Californians in 2022 to 930,000 by 2025. As a result, benefit payments are expected to skyrocket from $5 billion in 2022 to $6.8 billion in 2025,
    further straining the already burdened fund.

    The root of the problem lies in the rampant fraud and overpayments that
    have plagued California’s unemployment insurance program. To put this into perspective, the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office has labeled the
    program “structurally insolvent” due to an imbalance between benefit
    payments and state payroll tax contributions, a gap projected to reach
    $1.6 billion annually by 2024 and 2025.

    Under federal law, if a state’s unemployment insurance fund remains
    indebted to the federal government for two consecutive years, an
    escalating tax increase on employers is automatically triggered to repay
    the loan. While these tax increases are expected to generate an additional
    $400 million per year, they are insufficient to alleviate the fund’s
    financial shortfall.

    To address the crisis, California is exploring various options, including seeking debt forgiveness from the federal government and implementing significant increases in unemployment taxes. However, the fate of these measures remains uncertain pending federal approval and legislative

    The Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su’s office has hinted at the potential waiving of state repayment obligations to the federal government
    for ineligible benefits, pending approval. Nevertheless, if federal
    forgiveness is not forthcoming, California may proceed with plans to raise unemployment taxes and increase weekly maximum benefits, contingent upon legislative approval. However, recent developments, including the
    cancellation of a bill’s first hearing, suggest ongoing uncertainty
    surrounding the state’s response to this unprecedented financial

    We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
    stupid people won't be offended.

    Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
    Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

    Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
    fiasco, President Trump.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scout@21:1/5 to Leroy N. Soetoro on Mon May 6 07:09:18 2024
    XPost: ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.economics

    "Leroy N. Soetoro" <democrat-criminals@mail.house.gov> wrote in message news:lnsB1698206AFB8E6F089P2473@
    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/california-unemployment-fund- declared-insolvent-following-55b-fraud-businesses-to-bear-costs/ar-

    California is grappling with a severe financial crisis in its unemployment insurance fund, a situation described by experts as "structurally
    insolvent" due to the staggering amount of fraud and overpayments during
    the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has forced the state to confront a daunting $21 billion loan from the federal government, an obligation it currently lacks the means to repay.

    Not to worry, I'm sure the solution will be new and increased taxation....

    ..after all isn't that ALWAYS the solution to governmental fiscal mismanagement?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From When's the hanging?@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 6 22:46:33 2024
    XPost: ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.economics

    On 06 May 2024, "Scout" <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net>
    posted some news:v1ah5l$2i22t$1@dont-email.me:

    "Leroy N. Soetoro" <democrat-criminals@mail.house.gov> wrote in
    message news:lnsB1698206AFB8E6F089P2473@

    California is grappling with a severe financial crisis in its
    unemployment insurance fund, a situation described by experts as
    "structurally insolvent" due to the staggering amount of fraud and
    overpayments during the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has forced the
    state to confront a daunting $21 billion loan from the federal
    government, an obligation it currently lacks the means to repay.

    Not to worry, I'm sure the solution will be new and increased

    ..after all isn't that ALWAYS the solution to governmental fiscal mismanagement?

    You bet! Remember when California got $10 billion to build a high speed railway across cow country?

    They promptly wasted it. $10 billion. Totally blown. Zero

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scout@21:1/5 to hang@newsom.com on Tue May 7 07:07:39 2024
    XPost: ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.economics

    "When's the hanging?" <hang@newsom.com> wrote in message news:v1bmk4$7ch$1@toxic.dizum.net...
    On 06 May 2024, "Scout" <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net>
    posted some news:v1ah5l$2i22t$1@dont-email.me:

    "Leroy N. Soetoro" <democrat-criminals@mail.house.gov> wrote in
    message news:lnsB1698206AFB8E6F089P2473@

    California is grappling with a severe financial crisis in its
    unemployment insurance fund, a situation described by experts as
    "structurally insolvent" due to the staggering amount of fraud and
    overpayments during the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has forced the
    state to confront a daunting $21 billion loan from the federal
    government, an obligation it currently lacks the means to repay.

    Not to worry, I'm sure the solution will be new and increased

    ..after all isn't that ALWAYS the solution to governmental fiscal

    You bet! Remember when California got $10 billion to build a high speed railway across cow country?

    They promptly wasted it. $10 billion. Totally blown. Zero

    Yea, last time I looked the actual cost was running $200 Million per
    mile.... Of course, it might have changed, but somehow I doubt it is down to anything reasonable or even rational.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eunice Wunderlich@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 7 08:28:59 2024
    XPost: ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.politics.economics

    On 5/7/2024 4:07 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:

    "When's the hanging?" <hang@newsom.com> wrote in message news:v1bmk4$7ch$1@toxic.dizum.net...
    On 06 May 2024, "Scout" <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net>
    posted some news:v1ah5l$2i22t$1@dont-email.me:

    "Leroy N. Soetoro" <democrat-criminals@mail.house.gov> wrote in
    message news:lnsB1698206AFB8E6F089P2473@

    California is grappling with a severe financial crisis in its
    unemployment insurance fund, a situation described by experts as
    "structurally insolvent" due to the staggering amount of fraud and
    overpayments during the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has forced the
    state to confront a daunting $21 billion loan from the federal
    government, an obligation it currently lacks the means to repay.

    Not to worry, I'm sure the solution will be new and increased

    ..after all isn't that ALWAYS the solution to governmental fiscal

    You bet!  Remember when California got $10 billion to build a high speed
    railway across cow country?

    No, and neither do you, you fucking liar, because they didn't. The federal government has only provided about $3 billion so far.

    Yea, last time I looked

    You *did not* "look," scooter. You have never "looked."

    the actual cost was running $200 Million per mile

    no source = a lie

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)