• "No, You Need Therapy!" House Hearing on Biden's Impeachment Turns Into

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 30 06:04:51 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa.congress, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, sac.politics

    In an interesting turn of events, a House Oversight Committee hearing on
    Joe Biden’s probable impeachment turned into a heated debate among

    Representatives Jamie Raskin and James Comer were the main characters in
    this heated debate. Their heated discussion revolved around charges that President Biden profited from his family’s international business

    Wednesday’s session was part of an ongoing Republican investigation of Mr. Biden. The investigation accuses him of “corruption” over suspected family business links with foreign powers and unfounded charges of bribery.
    Another line of investigation has focused on Mr. Biden’s actions as vice president in Ukraine.

    Tensions rose when Raskin pointed out that GOP lawmakers had pursued an
    FD-1023 form containing baseless claims. The Maryland lawmaker questioned
    how the Republicans would react if the president had gotten $5 million
    from Ukraine and then reportedly taken more from the Chinese while still
    in office.

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    Former FBI agent Alexander Smirnov accuses Biden of a bribery conspiracy
    in Ukraine. A federal grand jury indicted Smirnov for lying to the FBI
    about these claims. Despite the absence of proof, this form prompted House Republicans to initiate an impeachment investigation against Biden.

    Comer quickly responded to Raskin’s allegation, saying, “That is simply
    not true, but go ahead and finish your story.” The debate heated up when
    Comer made another unsubstantiated allegation: bank documents allegedly
    proving that the Biden family got thousands of dollars from China.

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    The two congressmen continued to argue, with Raskin ultimately asking
    Comer whether he intended to file for impeachment that day. Comer
    responded sharply, “You all have an obsession with Russia and Trump. It’s disturbing… You need therapy; you all need therapy.”

    Raskin wanted to have the last say and said, “No, you need therapy. You’re
    the one who’s involved with the deranged politician, not me, OK? I
    divorced myself from Donald Trump a long time ago. You’re the one who
    needs to disentangle from that situation.” He went on to say, “Somebody
    needs therapy here, but it’s nobody on our side of the aisle.”

    This occurred after the president declined to appear before investigators. Richard Sauber, the president’s special counsel, declared that the
    allegation was false.

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    “Your Committee’s purported ‘impeachment inquiry’ has succeeded only in
    turning up abundant evidence that the President has done nothing wrong,”
    Mr. Sauber said in the letter, which The Hill acquired.

    As the dust settled, it became evident that the impeachment investigation
    had sparked strong emotions on both sides of the aisle. The showdown
    between Raskin and Comer was a striking reminder of Congress’s fundamental differences. Amid the pandemonium, one thing was certain: everyone
    involved might benefit from treatment.

    https://gistfest.com/no-you-need-therapy-house-hearing-on-bidens- impeachment-turns-into-chaos/

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