• How Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake has shifted her abortion stance

    From Biased Journalism@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 14 13:35:57 2024
    XPost: or.politics, ca.politics, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    How Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake has shifted her abortion stance
    Maegan Vazquez

    In 2022, Republican candidate Kari Lake, who was vying to be governor,
    called abortion the "ultimate sin" and praised a 160-year-old Arizona
    measure that virtually outlawed abortion as "a great law."

    In 2024, Lake, now vying to be a U.S. senator, has evolved in her stance.
    After the Arizona state Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the 1864 law
    can be revived, Lake said the decision was "out of step with Arizonans."

    Lake, a former television news anchor who narrowly lost her 2022
    gubernatorial race to Katie Hobbs (D), has been striking a different tone
    on reproductive rights as the issue shapes up to be an animating force
    this election cycle. The spotlight has been strong on Arizona since the
    court ruled that the near-total ban, which was enacted even before Arizona became a state, can be enforced.

    The ruling, which is not yet in effect, would outlaw the procedure except
    to save a pregnant person's life. Health-care providers who perform
    abortions could be punished with prison time, though Arizona's attorney general, Democrat Kris Mayes, has vowed not to enforce any ban. The
    decision has sent shock waves throughout the battleground state and could jeopardize Republican hopes of picking up a seat in the U.S. Senate. Lake
    is expected to face Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego in the November general election.

    Since Tuesday's ruling, Lake has called on Hobbs and the GOP-led state legislature to come together on a solution. In a 5½-minute campaign video released Thursday, Lake sought to appeal to the majority of the state,
    saying the near-total abortion ban - which invokes an 1864 law that states
    that anyone who administers an abortion could face a mandatory prison
    sentence of two years to five years - is "out of line with where the
    people of this state are."

    In the video, Lake declared that if elected to the Senate, she would not support federal funding for abortions nor would she support a federal
    abortion ban. She expressed support for abortion exceptions in the case of rape, incest or threat to the life of the pregnant person, and also noted
    that she wants other those who are pregnant to have "more choices" - but
    did not get into specifics.

    "I chose life, but I'm not every woman. I want to make sure that every
    woman who finds herself pregnant has more choices so that she can make
    that choice that I made," she said.

    Along with outlining her position on abortion, Lake also expressed her
    support for what she called a "baby bonus" - providing tax incentives for individuals who get married and lowering their tax rate for each child
    born. Throughout the video, Lake repeatedly associated her stance on the abortion issue with former president Donald Trump - who continues to poll
    ahead of President Biden in Arizona.

    When asked for comment, Lake's campaign referred The Washington Post to
    the video posted Thursday.

    Trump has found himself having to shift on abortion, especially this
    election cycle. Just a day before the Arizona ruling came out, Trump said states should make their own decisions about regulating abortion. But then
    he criticized the Arizona court for reinstating an abortion law he said
    goes too far.

    Lake was also among a long list of GOP politicians who had declared that
    they believe life begins at conception.

    But ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned nationally two years ago,
    Arizona has been confronted with how to change its laws. Since December
    2022, the state has allowed doctors to provide abortions up to 15 weeks
    into a pregnancy, with exceptions for medical emergencies.

    Then came an Alabama Supreme Court ruling in February that declared that
    frozen embryos should be considered children, prompting many providers of
    in vitro fertilization to temporarily halt the procedure as they weighed
    the consequences of the decision. The Alabama ruling prompted many
    Republicans - including Lake and members of Congress who had signed on to legislation declaring that life begins at conception - to express their
    support for in vitro fertilization.

    Now Arizona voters are poised to consider whether to amend the state's constitution to enshrine abortion rights in November. Polls show that a majority of Arizona voters want abortion to be legal and many say it's an
    issue that motivates their voting decision.

    An October New York Times-Siena College poll found that 59 percent of
    Arizona registered voters said abortion should be mostly or always legal;
    34 percent said it should be mostly or always illegal. In a Fox News poll
    from March, 39 percent of Arizona voters said abortion would be extremely important in deciding their vote for president, and 32 percent said it
    would be very important. Those who supported Biden in 2020 were nearly
    twice as likely to say the issue would be extremely important in their
    vote, 51 percent to 27 percent.

    Arizona's ruling - and Republicans's response to it - have again
    highlighted the electoral challenge the GOP faces over their party's
    record on abortion and reproductive rights.

    So far, access to abortion in the post-Roe era has been a winning stance
    for Democrats, and ballot measures to expand abortion access have been successful, even in Republican-dominated states. At the same time,
    Republicans like Lake are finding they have had to revisit what they've
    said about the issue in the past.

    During a Republican gubernatorial debate in 2022, when Lake expressed
    support for the 1864 law, she added that abortion pills should be illegal
    and said she believes life begins at conception.

    "My personal belief is that all life matters. All life counts, and all
    life is precious, and I don't believe in abortion," she said then. "I
    think the older law is going to take and is going to go into effect.
    That's what I believe will happen."

    Lake also told "The Conservative Circus with James T. Harris" in a radio interview in 2022 that she supported a law that prohibits abortions with exceptions to save the life of the mother.

    "I'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's
    already on the books," Lake said, adding that "it will prohibit abortion
    in Arizona except to save the life of a mother. And I think we're going to
    be paving the way and setting course for other states to follow."

    Lake, who remains the front-runner ahead of the state's GOP primary this summer, will then probably face off against Gallego, a member of Congress
    from Phoenix. He and other Democrats are seizing the opportunity to attack
    her shifting comments on the issue.

    Speaking to reporters before appearing alongside Vice President Harris at
    a campaign rally in Tucson on Friday, Gallego seized on the importance of abortion rights to voters, saying abortion access was "the number one
    political issue" in Arizona.

    Gallego and Harris both blamed Trump for what's happening in Arizona, connecting the new near-total abortion ban to Trump's appointment of conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices who ultimately overturned Roe in

    "The overturning of Roe was, without any question, a seismic event - and
    this ban here in Arizona is one of the biggest aftershocks yet," Harris

    Lake may also be losing some of her core supporters and antiabortion
    activists as she struggles for a more moderate message. Steve Deace, an Iowa-based conservative talk show host, wrote on X this week that he was "extremely disappointed" by Lake's opposition to the ruling. "In 2022, I thought Kari Lake was one of the best candidates I've ever seen, and said
    so. Now she is almost completely unrecognizable from the candidate she was then, just two years later," he wrote.

    Kim Owens, who has long been involved with the Arizona Republican Party,
    also said she was disappointed by Lake's recent statements.

    "If you are pro-life and you're looking at the landscape and you recognize
    that this is something we've been fighting for decades and that the fight continues, in Arizona we're faced with a ballot proposition that is an abomination," Owens said.

    Owens, who supports Lake's GOP primary competitor in the Senate race Mark
    Lamb, a sheriff, said she thinks Lake is "trying to go outside of her
    base" to attract more voters.

    "I think she understands that she does not have the allure she once did.
    She's seen the numbers. Mark Lamb is picking up a lot of support from
    party faithful, and she's afraid she's going to lose her base," she said.

    Mariana Alfaro, Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, Molly Hennessy-Fiske and Sabrina Rodriguez contributed to this report.


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