• OT: Usenet momento (Re: Touhou: USENET in Gensokyo?)

    From Mima-sama@21:1/5 to Mima-sama on Mon Sep 25 18:44:03 2023
    XPost: rec.games.video.misc, alt.culture.usenet

    On 9/25/2023 18:40, Mima-sama wrote:
    P.S. Ugh why won't you appear in my netnews client already, is 3
    crossposted newsgroups small enough for you

    FINALLY! I guess it wasn't the number of newsgroups crossposted...

    Note to self: Don't post to news.newusers.questions

    Wait how did it become newusers, it should've been news.groups.questions

    Agh, I have PEBCAK!

    Reincarnated Legendary Evil Spirit of Complete Darkness

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)