• Tucker calls out the media for their BRAZEN LIES about J6 and ashli bab

    From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 7 17:57:37 2023
    It took EIGHT MONTHS before the media even gave us the name of the cop who killed ashli at the j6 protests.!!!


    jean 6 2023 Two years ago today, a Capitol Hill police officer called Michael Byrd shot an unarmed woman in the neck. At the time of that killing, Byrd had a documented history of gross negligence with a firearm. He left a loaded Glock pistol in a public
    men's room at the Capitol, which for a law enforcement official is a firing offense. But for some reason, Michael Byrd was still on the force that day. The woman he killed was called Ashli Babbitt.

    Babbitt was a married 14-year veteran of the U.S. military. She ran a pool cleaning company with her husband in San Diego. Physically, she was tiny. She was also unarmed. Michael Byrd later admitted he had no indication at all that Babbitt was carrying a
    weapon. She posed no visible threat. He killed her anyway.

    Under normal circumstances, Byrd would have been fired immediately and charged with murder, which he clearly committed, but that's not what happened. After doing essentially no investigation into the shooting, Nancy Pelosi's congressional police force
    declared Byrd a national hero and the media strongly agreed.

    Byrd went on television to accept accolades and to complain about racism. He was never punished for killing Ashli Babbitt. He was rewarded for it. Ashli Babbitt 's mother, meanwhile, got a very different sort of treatment. Babbitt's mother was arrested
    today in Washington by the Capitol Police. Her crime? Trying to hold a memorial service for her daughter.

    So they can't talk about Ashli Babbitt. Talking about Ashli Babbitt makes it very clear who the real culprits are and who the real threats to this country continue to be and they're not the January 6 protesters. So instead, they lie about what happened
    that day and they do it in the boldest possible ways, without shame and with maximum aggression. Here's Hakeem Jeffries, leader of the Democrats in the House, telling you that five police officers were killed on January 6, when in fact, the real total is

    HAKEEM JEFFRIES: We are gathered here to honor their memory and acknowledge with deep gratitude the tremendous bravery of the hundreds of officers who defended us at this citadel of democracy that fateful day. As a result of the events on January 6, the
    lives of five heroic officers were lost.

    Five heroic officers were lost, he said. It's almost impossible to believe that adults could stand behind him as he said that because everyone in the picture you just saw knows that is not true. It's not a stilted interpretation of events. It's a flat
    out lie. No police officers were killed on January 6. Period. Ashli Babbitt was killed on January 6, but chances are our grandchildren will not know that because history will likely record the lie you just heard as true simply because it's been repeated
    so often. Everyone in authority has said the same thing in unison for two solid years. As our thoroughly dishonest Attorney General recently put it "we will never forget the five officers who responded selflessly on January 6 and who have since lost
    their lives." His boss, Joe Biden, repeated that lie today from the White House.

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