• Filthy PAEDO PRIESTS! Joke about a British Catholic priest (230)

    From Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 9 21:54:26 2022
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.usa
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, soc.culture.canada, nyc.general
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, rec.arts.tv, alt.politics.nationalism-white XPost: soc.culture.greek

    An altar boy walks in to find his priest masturbating furiously.
    Embarrassed, he begins to back out of the room when the priest
    says "George, this is perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed
    of; you'll be doing it yourself soon enough".

    Skeptical, George says "Really, Father"?

    The priest replies "Sure you will, my wrist is getting tired"!

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