• AY NOW Foreskin PEELER / THE Foreskin PEELER .... revolting PAEDO PRIES

    From Seanie O'Kilfoyle@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 11:06:49 2022
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.usa
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    XPost: uk.d-i-y

    WARSAW, Poland (AP) A new documentary revealing cases of sexual abuse
    by priests has deeply shaken Poland, one of Europe's most Roman Catholic societies, eliciting an apology from the church hierarchy and prompting
    one cleric to leave priestly life.

    "Tell No One", a film financed through a crowd funding campaign, was
    released on YouTube. By Monday, the documentary had more than 8 million


    It triggered soul searching in a country where there is no higher
    authority than the Catholic Church and its clergy.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 11:07:39 2022
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.usa
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, soc.culture.canada, rec.arts.tv
    XPost: alt.politics.nationalism-white, soc.culture.greek, alt.abortion
    XPost: alt.atheism, uk.politics.misc, alt.checkmate
    XPost: alt.slack.goathead, alt.life.sucks, uk.d-i-y


    Financial corruption exists in the Vatican, admitted Pope Francis who described it as a "scandal".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 11:08:02 2022
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.usa
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, soc.culture.canada, rec.arts.tv
    XPost: alt.politics.nationalism-white, soc.culture.greek, alt.abortion
    XPost: alt.atheism, uk.politics.misc, alt.checkmate
    XPost: alt.slack.goathead, alt.life.sucks, uk.d-i-y

    "What happened, happened. A scandal," the pope said during an in-flight press conference on his way back from Japan, commenting on financial scandals linked with the Vatican Bank and US$200 million investment in luxury properties in London's Chelsea neighborhood.

    The money, as the Italian magazine L'Espresso reported earlier, was obtained partly from the Peter's Pence funds -- donations that go directly to the pope.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Revd Terence Fformby-Smythe@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 11:07:12 2022
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.usa
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, soc.culture.canada, rec.arts.tv
    XPost: alt.politics.nationalism-white, soc.culture.greek, alt.abortion
    XPost: alt.atheism, uk.politics.misc, alt.checkmate
    XPost: alt.slack.goathead, alt.life.sucks, uk.d-i-y


    Pope Francis protects pedophile priest from prosecution: Vatican uses diplomatic
    immunity to shield priest from child porn charges.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)