• Live gaming for movie making

    From Dave@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 6 17:20:01 2022
    XPost: rec.arts.sf.movies, rec.arts.movies.tech, alt.movies

    I've watched a couple of sci-fi movies this year, liked the story and
    acting, but there were diabolically bad live action sequences,
    especially with fantasy flying and the camera (viewport?) jumping from
    place to place.

    The recent cancellation of Batgirl shows that studios are getting the
    message that no film is better than a bad film. If you've been getting
    it all week from the boss two hours of fantasy escapism can really help
    the sanity and assist in a full inclusivity mindset. For instance in
    the height of the 1930s depression movies with much glamour were in vogue.

    So the big idea is to have the live action not scripted or storyboarded,
    but taken from a real-time video game. If the "hero" gets killed too
    bad, need another take where they fight better, or get another person to
    use the game controller. Obviously for movie projection at 8K and so on
    you might want to render at a higher quality than the console might
    provide, but the action is there, no edits allowed.

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