• Re: It's in their DNA

    From Andrew 'Andrzej' Baron@21:1/5 to some cocksucker forging as Peeler on Mon Sep 25 06:13:33 2023
    XPost: soc.history, uk.legal, alt.revisionism
    XPost: soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.israel, talk.politics.guns
    XPost: soc.culture.greek, can.politics, soc.culture.usa
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    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.atheism, alt.checkmate

    In article <ro62hil7vtj2dcfeum5ii3t1qp98gvgunh@4ax.com>,
    some cocksucker forging as Peeler wrote:

    They were so weak- they allowed everything to happen ? to be done to
    them. They were people with whom there was no common ground, no
    possibility of communication- that is how contempt is born. I could
    never understand how they could just give in as they did.?

    - Franz Stangl - Kommandant Camp Treblinka

    We are supposed to DENY the Holocaust, you dumb, shiteating, cocksucking fag.

    Do us REAL WHITES a favor and DIE.

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