• Why Do Conservatives Call The Left "snowflakes" When Just About Everyth

    From Rightist Snowflakes@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 11 00:42:13 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.immigration, alt.politics.nationalism.white
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.trump

    Why do conservatives call the left "snowflakes" when just about everything seems to trigger conservatives (e.g. gay pride, same-sex marriage, etc.)?

    From my experience, I’ve noticed that conservatives are only good at
    acting tough, but not actually being tough. They’ve become so obsessed
    with this ‘toughness’ image that it’s impossible for them to realize that they’re no less snowflaky than liberals.

    They complain about the persecution of Christians, even though Christians continue to be the most powerful religious group, both politically and
    socially (Christians have an entire political party dedicated to their
    cause and Christian Churches are a million-dollar industry). They complain about the lack of conservative voices on college campuses, even though the
    most widely viewed media sources are conservative-leaning (Fox News…etc.).
    They complain about liberals being intolerant of conservative views, but
    they do nothing about the pervasiveness of racism, xenophobia, and bigotry
    that exists among conservative voters. Even LGBT conservatives spend more
    time complaining about the liberal bent of LGBT people, rather than try to convince LGBT people to become conservative. Have you ever been to a gay conservative gathering? They spend more time complaining about liberals
    and transgender people than actually discuss conservative ideas.

    Conservatives see themselves as the “tough” guys. They’re tough on crime,
    tough on illegal immigration, tough on foreign enemies…etc. This
    “toughness” mentality is so strong and entrenched that it’s hard for them
    to understand why others would think that they’re whiny. Take Trump, for instance. No one likes to act like a tough guy more than Trump. He is very brash and confrontational in his insults. Yet the minute someone responds
    to his insults, he whines like a 5-year old on twitter and complains about
    how people are mean to him. Does that sound like a tough guy to you? Nope.
    Just a guy who likes to talk tough.

    Conservatives are no less whiny than liberals. However, forget about
    making them realize that. After all, aren’t they the “hawks” on the
    political spectrum?

    It’s a DARVO tactic called “projection.” Attribute your own foibles to the designated enemy, and hope that no one thinks to call you on it.

    And right-wingers are not “triggered.” There is no past trauma involved. They’re just butthurt. (Then again: the modern American right determine
    what counts as a legit trauma button and what’s just offense by real or perceived political allegiance; after all, they tend to perceive
    designated enemies as not entirely real.)
    Profile photo for Charles Locke
    Charles Locke
    Worked at First Decade EntertainmentUpdated 5y

    There's a megaton of truth in your question.

    My take? Their M.O. became a reflex, and subsequently, inconveniences like serious thought, logic, consistency and deliberation are no longer

    Obama = bad. Hillary = bad. Liberal = bad. Media (minus FoxNews & AM talk radio) = bad.

    “Straight” marriage = good. “Gay” marriage = bad.

    Ultimately for too many on the right, the fight comes down to “We have
    endured a deluge of unfair accusations from the left. They are the enemy,
    and we are pissed. So now we must wage war against them. Indefinitely.”

    I would argue that it is like a religious war. They don't care how
    hypocritical they look. They don't care how nonsensical they sound. They
    don't care how unscrupulous or ill-prepared their choice for president
    was. They don't care how many White nationalists join their ranks.

    They just don't care, for they are at war and “the greater good”—whatever
    that is supposed to be—trumps everything else.

    “Save America”, “America First”, “The Forgotten People”. That's what
    matters. And the so-called enemy is (somehow) against all of that.

    “I'm right and they're wrong. So it's perfectly okay if I call them
    'snowflake' while behaving like the biggest snowflake ever.”

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  • From Governor Swill@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 10 22:29:26 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.immigration, alt.politics.nationalism.white
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.trump

    On Fri, 11 Aug 2023 00:42:13 -0000 (UTC), Rightist Snowflakes <nowomr@protonmail.com>

    Why do conservatives call the left "snowflakes" when just about everything >seems to trigger conservatives (e.g. gay pride, same-sex marriage, etc.)?

    And RINOs aren't the moderate and mainstream Republicans. They're the real ones. The
    RINOs are the Thrumpers and extreme rightists that keep throwing people out of the party
    for not being "Thrumpy" enough.

    A redneck's view of Jan 06 (2:13) https://twitter.com/i/status/1348360474178449408

    Go Trump!

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

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