• America is doomed! Yet another school cancels algebra because blacks ca

    From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 18 11:13:29 2023
    We have to stop dumbing down our schools to accommodate negroz. The average black has an IQ of 65. They need separate schools.


    july 18 2023 A school district in Massachusetts has been slowly phasing algebra 1 out of its middle-school curriculum because the advanced math classes were predominantly taken by white and Asian students. Now, some area parents are considering placing
    their child in a private school or a homeschooling program to ensure that they are adequately prepared for high school mathematics.

    Since 2017, Cambridge Public Schools has been slowly moving away from placing middle school students into "grade-level" or "accelerated" math classes since the "grade-level" courses were filled with black and Hispanic students, while the "accelerated"
    courses had mostly white and Asian students. District officials claim that the changes are designed to create better equity.

    "Over time you end up with lower-level math courses filled with black and Latino children, and high-level math classes with white and Asian children," said Manuel Fernandez, then-principal of Cambridge Street Upper School, in 2019. "Students internalize
    it — they believe the smart kids are the white kids. Our staff said we cannot continue to divide our students this way."

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  • From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 19 17:08:55 2023
    If you're good at math, you're good at everything. We should be EXPANDING the number of math classes. But the darkies are lost at math so it's being phased out!

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  • From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 21 16:05:57 2023
    Because schools are phasing out math, we are raising a generation of engineers that can't calculate. Good luck with that. You can't build skyscrapers or send spaceships to mars without math.

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