Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in editor screws them, what else can I use?.
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and
not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in
editor screws them, what else can I use?.
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and
not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in
editor screws them, what else can I use?.
Hay un programa llamado Moebius y otro llamado Icy Draw que funcionan bien:
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--- Talisman v0.54-dev (Linux/x86_64)
* Origin: Space Junk! BBS :: (21:4/158)
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and
not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in
editor screws them, what else can I use?.
Moebius seems to be the editor to use these days:
You could also use "TheDraw" in dosbox.
|09apam |08(|11Andrew Pamment|08)
|15Starlight |07:: ||07
--- Noddy git-bdac038
* Origin: Starlight :: (21:4/158.1)
You could also use "TheDraw" in dosbox.
I remember TheDraw, it was my go-to back then, haven{t tried DOSBOX,
worth fiddling with it?.
On 18 Oct 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...
You could also use "TheDraw" in dosbox.
I remember TheDraw, it was my go-to back then, haven{t tried DOSBOX, worth fiddling with it?.
I use TheDraw with my Win 10 32-bit VM, it works well.
Moebius seems to be the editor to use these days:
Yup, definitely have to try that, have to figure out a good strategy
which now is just to save a backup of files and restore if something
goes sour.
Moebius seems to be the editor to use these days:
Yup, definitely have to try that, have to figure out a good
strategy which now is just to save a backup of files and restore
if something goes sour.
I briefly tried moebius last night, but it bails (on Linux) with an
error saying the display compositor is frequently crashing. At some
point I'll see if I can ascertain why that is.
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in editor scr them, what else can I use?.
Moebius seems to be the editor to use these days:
Oh man, good old Linux.... and it's weirdnesses
don't get me wrong this VM is on Proxox
I considered my self a 'linxux taliban', now I like to
earn money and eat.
Oh man, good old Linux.... and it's weirdnesses
Each to their own :-) See I'd say the same about Windows...
don't get me wrong this VM is on Proxox
Most of my stuff is on Proxmox too, or docker on a Linode VM.
I considered my self a 'linxux taliban', now I like to
earn money and eat.
I'd run a Linux desktop at $dayjob (as I did for years at $dayjob-1),
but this time around I need things like AutoCAD that just aren't
available for Linux. So I use what I need to get the job done.
$dayjob-1 was more network engineering oriented, and Linux was ideal
(for me) for terminal sessions, development, etc.
I've used OSX as a daily driver in the past too.
Cool, last month I repurposed a laptop and setup my mini-pve 12GB RAM
and this Win10 VM.
I also installed a TrueNAS Scale bare-bone on a more powerful PC and I'm testing VMs on it but managing is better on Proxmox.
I do networking for a living, I train people for soem brands and do some consulting $dayjob was as an ISP Network Engineer andit runs MikroTik (Linux derivative)
I've used OSX as a daily driver in the past too.
I like the way mcaos works, I have an old macbook pro with a sollen battery, not working and in my time I built a hackintosh. it was a nice time, I used paralels and VMs integrated quite nicely.
Now going back to the point I'll try those ANSI drawing tools because
it's so frustrating thata by just changing two letters on a ehader file the whole thing is destroyed.
My last job was managing the global transit network for a large
Australian ISP. Mostly Cisco based unfortunately (we had some
Juniper/HP in other parts of the network). I'd be seriously looking at Arista if I were still there.
Cool, last month I repurposed a laptop and setup my mini-pve 12GB
RAM and this Win10 VM.
Nice. I was running on a Dell R920 with 192GB RAM, a bunch of HDD's,
etc, etc, but downsized to a 2nd hand HP desktop last month in an
attempt to reign in the power bill :-) Shoehorned a couple of
spinning rust drives into it, an SSD, and an NVMe drive - gets along
I also installed a TrueNAS Scale bare-bone on a more powerful PC
and I'm testing VMs on it but managing is better on Proxmox.
Same here - I have a Supermicro 1RU box running TrueNAS scale. Just
has the one VM running on it though - the Proxmox backup server for backing up the other machine :-)
I do networking for a living, I train people for soem brands and
do some consulting $dayjob was as an ISP Network Engineer andit
runs MikroTik (Linux derivative)
My last job was managing the global transit network for a large
Australian ISP. Mostly Cisco based unfortunately (we had some
Juniper/HP in other parts of the network). I'd be seriously looking
at Arista if I were still there.
We did use some Mikrotik for out of band access. If I was too lazy to
CLI into them then I'd run winbox under wine (although the new native Linux Winbox works quite well - I have Mikrotik WiFi AP's at home).
I've used OSX as a daily driver in the past too.
I like the way mcaos works, I have an old macbook pro with a
sollen battery, not working and in my time I built a hackintosh.
it was a nice time, I used paralels and VMs integrated quite
I didn't mine OSX, but issues getting software to build pushed me away from it. Was easier to develop software that was going to run in a
Linux environment on a Linux workstation.
Now going back to the point I'll try those ANSI drawing tools
because it's so frustrating thata by just changing two letters on
a ehader file the whole thing is destroyed.
I've installed IcyDraw to play with, but haven't had a chance to do anything in anger yet.
My last job was managing the global transit network for a large
Australian ISP. Mostly Cisco based unfortunately (we had some
Juniper/HP in other parts of the network). I'd be seriously
looking at Arista if I were still there.
I'm also a network engineer.
Can you elaborate on why Arista over Cisco...
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet:// (21:1/199)
Can you elaborate on why Arista over Cisco...
I have a server I do, broken but I can say I have it it's a rackable systems box with one of those custom Google mobos but yeah....
I mostly teach, consulting is a bitch here, unless you do Cisco or Juniper or Fortinet, consulting for mikrotik or Linux sucks big time, people are just giving away their yime for free or peanuts.
I was IT Director for a mid-sze ISP all Mikrotik, worked really great, wel, apart from the strange unexplained lockups from time to time.
I do like Linux, everything I did with Linux VoIP, AD, Samba,
Monitoring, then I said I need reliability and less RTFM from a buch of a-holes on Linux fora.
The licensing system in XR blows chunks (and sometimes core dumps).
Maybe it's got better, but some of my ex-colleagues tell me that's
driving their desire to change vendors. We bought a fleet of boxes with perpetual licensing - until Cisco decided that wouldn't be a thing any more and our boxes became unlicensed. We beat them into submission, but really?
Related to this, sometimes a command will exist in the CLI, but throw a SDK error when you try and commit. In such a rush to port XR to a new platform that they didn't have time to tidy up the CLI and remove
commands that don't actually work, or tidy up the documentation for that matter.
Hardware issues causing boxes (NCS540's specifically) to spontaneously lock up, requiring a re-power to temporarily recover. Same boxes seemed to have DC power supply issues that resulted in what looked like them crowbarring and requiring manual intervention (no other equipment on the same DC supply affected).
Their TAC sucks. Hard. Very hard. Extremely hard. In a previous job
it was so bad we ended up with high-touch support, just to get the level of support we previously had from the TAC. Then that went south and we ended up with a Cisco engineer working from our office.
Related to this, sometimes a command will exist in the CLI, but throw
SDK error when you try and commit. In such a rush to port XR to a new
platform that they didn't have time to tidy up the CLI and remove commands that don't actually work, or tidy up the documentation for th
Haven't seen this one yet.
Hardware issues causing boxes (NCS540's specifically) to spontaneously
lock up, requiring a re-power to temporarily recover. Same boxes seem
to have DC power supply issues that resulted in what looked like them crowbarring and requiring manual intervention (no other equipment on t
same DC supply affected).
Only thing I'm seeing this with are their shitty FTD's.
Support is awful. To be fair, I have a very difficult time understanding some of their tech support agents. Which ultimately gets me more frustrated!
Lack of knowledge is another factor. "Please reseat the line card". "It's a fixed chassis, should I use a cold chisel or an angle grinder?". "Download this IOS" - but that's XE, and this is an XR box...
I'm restring my BBS journey with Mystic which I've found to be complete and easy to use *except* for the afct that whenever I use the built-in ANSI editor and specifically I change (translate into panish) the ansimhdr, it gets screwed, my edits show buy the variables showing From/ to/subj all of the msg details vanish, even if I use OVR on the editor
and nothing else, they just dissapear.
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in editor
screws them, what else can I use?.
PS: Any menus translated into Spanish?, please not from Spais, not partocurarly fond of the way they call stuff, yup same language but we
do not have "fecheros" here, we have "archivos" (files).
I'm restring my BBS journey with Mystic which I've found to be complete and easy to use *except* for the afct that whenever I use the built-in ANSI editor and specifically I change (translate into panish) the ansimhdr, it gets screwed, my edits show buy the variables showing From/to/subj all of the msg details vanish, even if I use OVR on the editor and nothing else, they just dissapear.
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in editor
screws them, what else can I use?.
I'm restring my BBS journey with Mystic which I've found to be
complete and easy to use *except* for the afct that whenever I
use the built-in ANSI editor and specifically I change (translate
into panish) the ansimhdr, it gets screwed, my edits show buy the
variables showing From/to/subj all of the msg details vanish,
even if I use OVR on the editor and nothing else, they just
That sounds like the ANSI editor is somehow losing, or corrupting, the display codes that cause Mystic to display that information. Strikes
me as a bit odd that Mystic's own ANSI editor would do that (you'd
think if anything was going to work, it would).
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers
and not messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic
built-in editor screws them, what else can I use?.
I"ve just been using vi myself - but then I've only been doing small tweaks. If/when I do more substantial things then I'll use an ANSI editor. I've installed icy_draw to play with - just haven't had any playing time, so can't vouch for how well it works.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
* Origin: TassieBob BBS, Hobart, Tasmania (21:3/169)
Does anyone kno of a working of of editing ANSI screens/headers and n messing the up in the process?. I mean if te Mystic built-in editor screws them, what else can I use?.
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