• hive32 Bulletins

    From bcw142@21:1/145 to gcubebuddy on Thu May 20 10:22:22 2021
    Since I can't leave even feedback on hive32 (at present I just made the login)
    I'll start here. You seem to have done quite well and I see echomail from January 2021 on, so that's all working so I can send to you via any point in my group ;) This one is work. You should likely open up at least the local
    general area for feedback (first place I tried) and perhaps feedback as well. If you look in your mystic root under docs you'll find all the documentation there is on mystic. With the bulletin area it's made for characters, but you
    haven't figured out how to edit it right. I'll have to go looking for it, but basically you edit the menu file itself. Under text (likely themes/default/text under mystic root) there are bullet* files that are the base for any number of bulletins. I generally copy bullet1.asc to the next number like bullet3.asc and use Mystic-DOS's ANSI editor to edit it from there. Then you add that in to bulletin.asc like the others are and bingo it's in and others can see it. I believe bulleta.asc, bulletb.asc and so on would give you the letters you seem to want to use. Does that help with the bulletins?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/05/17 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Mystic Pi BBS bcw142.zapto.org:23 (21:1/145)
  • From gcubebuddy@21:4/129 to bcw142 on Mon May 24 18:50:24 2021
    and others can see it. I believe bulleta.asc, bulletb.asc and so on
    would give you the letters you seem to want to use. Does that help with the bulletins?

    Awesome thanks for the info. i know there are a few areas that are still
    rough around the edges. By the way, i set your account to security level 20. thanks for checking out my BBS. I am saving the echo so i can include it in
    the set up tutorial i am working on.

    - Gamecube Buddy

    telnet --<{bbs.hive32.com:23333}>--

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Hive32 (21:4/129)