AvonHere is the text file installati
on instructions to the script .. maybe thiswill h
elp you and Deon see if the nodelist flags would be helpful .fsxnetnode2bbi.....
......Gryphon (Darryl Perry) wrote gy-blam21 & nod
e2bbi for Mystic BBS, that can now give us a telnet enabled
nodelist for any Mystic nodelist.Tiny (Shawn Highfield) was
looking for a nodelist setup as a bbslist for gy-blam, and
we were discussing it on FSX_GEN when Gryphon said he did
that. He put up a related program at first, then the node2bbi one we were
looking for. I downloaded it and cleaned it up after the r
un through the message base and up came a nodelist.bbi in t
he Mystic data directory. Thought about it for a while and
redid my BBSList and Telnet (B from main menu) to let you u
se the two lists (or any number of lists you want) and I st
arted connecting to BBS like Tiny's BBS testing and playing with it.
This zip archive has all the stuff needed except the nodeli
st which is already in FSX_INFO on most FSXNET subscribed B
BS.Gryphon's gy-blam21 is setup to use multiple .ini
files to have as manylists as you want so it's easiest to se
tup two .ini in the scripts directory with the MPL program:
The default gy-blam.ini and gy-blam1.ini.gy-blam1.ini defer
s from gy-blam.ini in the line:; The BBS file to use. The <
filename>.BBI file should exist in the data dirBBIFILE=nodel
istSo it reads nodelist and the other reads bbslist.
You also need node2bbi MPL in your scripts directory, so it
's easiest to unzip this archive in your scripts directory
(it has the two .ini in it) with:cd /mystic/scripts #or wher
e ever you scripts isunzip -e Path/to/node2bbi.zip
#for Windows: /mystic/unzip -e Path/to/node2bbi.zip#Compile them
with./mplc node2bbi #for Windows it's just 'mplc node2bbi'
./mplc gy-blam #for Windows 'mplc gy-blam'That gets you ever
ything you need in scripts, so your ready to start mystic u
sed the SysOp Menu /* then # for Menu Editor edit (type sysop passwor
d)hit Enter on default, go down to bbslist and hit Enter, th
en delete /d A, V, E, D, Q and make 4 new entries with /i e
dit the top one to:Display Text | (B
) BBS List LightBar Low | BBS List
LightBar High | BBS ListHot Key| B Access
|Up | 0 Escape | 0Display Type | AccessDown
| 0 Tab | 0X Y| 0 0Left | 0 PageUp | 0
Timer| 0Right | 0 PageDn | 0Timer Type | IntervalR
edraw | YesHome | 0 End | 0Command ---------------
-- Access ----- Data -----------------------------(GX) E
xecute MPL programgy-blam scripts/gy-blam.iniESC,
The next to:Display Text | (N)
Node List LightBar Low | Node List
LightBar High | Node List Hot Key| N Acc
ess|Up | 0 Escape | 0Display Type | Access
Down | 0 Tab | 0X Y| 0 0Left | 0 Pa
geUp | 0Timer| 0Right | 0 PageDn | 0Timer
Type | IntervalRedraw | YesHome | 0 End | 0
Command ------------------ Access ----- Data ----------------------------
(GX) Execute MPL programgy-blam scripts/gy-blam1.iniESC,
The next to:Display Text | (U)
Update nodelist LightBar Low | Update nodelist
LightBar High | Update nodelist Hot Key| U
Access|Up | 0 Escape | 0Display
Type | AccessDown | 0 Tab | 0X Y| 0 0L
eft | 0 PageUp | 0Timer| 0Right | 0 PageDn | 0
Timer Type | IntervalRedraw | YesHome | 0 End | 0Co
mmand ------------------ Access ----- Data --------------------------
--(GX) Execute MPL programnode2bbi ESC,
Leave the last one as the default (Q) Quit to Main Menu.ESC,
Save changes to bbslist? YESGo down to main and hit Enter
Down to (B) BBS Listing hit Enter and change to: Display Tex
t | (B) BBS List & TelnetLightBar Low
| BBS List & TelnetLightBar High | BBS List & Teln
etHot Key| BAccess|Up | 0 Escape |
0Display Type | AccessDown | 0 Tab | 0X
Y| 0 0Left | 0 PageUp | 0Timer| 0Righ
t | 0 PageDn | 0Timer Type | IntervalRedraw | Yes
Home | 0 End | 0Command ------------------ Access
----- Data ----------------------------(GO) Go to new menu
bbslistESC, ESC, Save changes, ESC back to SysOp
menu, Q and you should see the new entries and be all setu
p to use them, so hit B, then U to update thenodelist (will
show the list above) then N and you can see your new setup
for telneting out via the nodelist.- bcw142
2.zapto.org Mystic Pi BBS FSXNET 21:1/145Comments/proble
m/etc to bcw142 on FSX_GEN
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Windows/32)
* Origin: The Underground [@] theunderground.us:10023 <-port (21:1/165)