• Soft CRs removed

    From Avon@21:1/101 to g00r00 on Sat Jan 25 09:06:00 2020
    Hi g00r00

    Just starting a thread on this subject.

    While you have been away from the echomail areas over the last number of
    months we've been seeing reports of issues with echomail content being
    reported as being altered by Mystic as packets are tossed onwards by MUTIL
    and forwarded to other nodes.

    I'm aware theres something up with soft CRs being removed by Mystic, or at least I think that's the report. There are also comments about echomail
    content be wrapped incorrectly so on some readers it's not displaying perhaps as the original author intended it.

    I'm sorry I can't be more specific but trusting that Al, Oli and others can chip in with more specifics.

    Can you look into this please when able to.I'm happy to test stuff as/when needed :)

    Best, Paul

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From g00r00@21:1/163 to Avon on Fri Jan 24 15:06:08 2020
    I'm aware theres something up with soft CRs being removed by Mystic, or
    at least I think that's the report. There are also comments about
    echomail content be wrapped incorrectly so on some readers it's not displaying perhaps as the original author intended it.

    What Mystic does is intelligently wraps text at 80 columns, and this is done for reasons and it was by multiple people's requests. The reason for that is when integrating into things like NNTP often time text is massively longer
    than what any text-based BBS software could handle and it caused illegible messages loss of message text.

    Mystic isn't truncating anything, its word wrapping extra long lines to fit into the constraints that some BBS packages and readers that will never be updated again (but people still use) have in place.

    I suppose its something that I could remove. I'm not tied down to having it that way, but I need to see real world use cases where this is an issue more than it is a blessing.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: |08--[|15!|07dreamland BBS bbs.dreamlandbbs.org (21:1/163)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to g00r00 on Sat Jan 25 19:40:30 2020
    On 24 Jan 2020 at 03:06p, g00r00 pondered and said...

    What Mystic does is intelligently wraps text at 80 columns, and this is done for reasons and it was by multiple people's requests. The reason
    for that is when integrating into things like NNTP often time text is massively longer than what any text-based BBS software could handle and
    it caused illegible messages loss of message text.

    OK coolio, for me running Mystic it's never been an issue but it is for some
    it seems running other systems/software...the general gist of what's been reported was

    Mail getting changed in transit. Messages are getting changed (word wrapped) when passing through Mystic (or mutil) when they get sent on to other nodes.

    The issue of SEEN-BYs that we're working on now.

    The Soft CRs being dropped my mystic (mutil). Al reports he sometimes see
    dupes of messages that contain Soft CRs because they are left as they are by most tossers but dropped by Mystic.

    Mystic isn't truncating anything, its word wrapping extra long lines to fit into the constraints that some BBS packages and readers that will never be updated again (but people still use) have in place.

    Yep all good/fine by me. I suppose the thing is does it mess with enough
    others FTN packet goodness to make it a pain for non-mystic users to read content etc..

    Some may *strongly* suggest nothing in the message should be altered as it's being tossed onwards... but I'm not personally going to die in a ditch over that one... I do think messages should all be readable by as many as can read them aka 'All' else what's the point of writing / sending something that then ends up on another system looking different and/or a bit harder to read...

    I'm not sure that's the case that's actually happening but that's the vibe
    I'd picked up on from some quarters. I think chat with Oli as he's mentioned some of this stuff before, and as for Al I'm thinking some of those issues mooted above may be related to the way MBBSE?? (is that the name of the bbs software) he was using was looking at things. Al help me out here :) ??

    I suppose its something that I could remove. I'm not tied down to
    having it that way, but I need to see real world use cases where this is an issue more than it is a blessing.

    Fair enough... I'm personally relaxed either way, thanks for the background info behind it as it stands and I can't say I disagree..

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)