• bug in daysago()

    From dream master@21:1/163 to All on Wed Jan 8 12:56:28 2020
    anyone else notice a bug since the new year for daysago();

    |08 .|05ú|13ù|15Dr|07e|08am Ma|07st|15er|13ù|05ú|08.
    |08 øù|05ú|13ùø |13øù|05ú|08ùø
    |11 DoRE|03!|11ACiDiC|03!|11Demonic

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: |08--[|15!|07dreamland BBS bbs.dreamlandbbs.org (21:1/163)
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@21:2/106 to dream master on Wed Jan 8 18:22:28 2020
    On 08 Jan 2020, dream master said the following...

    anyone else notice a bug since the new year for daysago();

    .úùDream Masterùú.
    øùúùø øùúùø

    It ain't the only one. Mystic's been shitting the bed lately when it comes to dates, mainly because PASCAL can't count to 2020 for some reason. I guess that's what happens when you make a program in a language old enough that it could be my mother. No offense to g00r00, of course. You're better off
    treading carefully with anything involving dates.

    Born too late to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS - neocinci.bbs.io:23 (21:2/106)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to Nodoka Hanamura on Thu Jan 9 13:22:34 2020
    On 08 Jan 2020 at 06:22p, Nodoka Hanamura pondered and said...

    It ain't the only one. Mystic's been shitting the bed lately when it
    comes to dates, mainly because PASCAL can't count to 2020 for some
    reason. I guess that's what happens when you make a program in a
    language old enough that it could be my mother. No offense to g00r00, of course. You're better off treading carefully with anything involving dates.

    I don't think it's a specifically PASCAL thing ... looking at some old source code there are some logic decisions regarding century when year is < 20 ..
    when dates are being converted between Julian and Gregorian... that's where I think the issue is :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From Netsurge@21:4/154 to dream master on Wed Jan 8 21:42:04 2020
    anyone else notice a bug since the new year for daysago();

    Have you not been reading this echo? There is all sorts of things going wrong since 2020.

    |15frank |08// |15netsurge
    |07disksh0p|08!|07bbs |08% |07bbs.diskshop.ca |08% |07mystic goodness |11SciNet |03ftn hq |08% |07https://scinet-ftn.org

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: % disksh0p!bbs % bbs.diskshop.ca % SciNet ftn hq % (21:4/154)
  • From Gamgee@21:2/138 to Nodoka Hanamura on Wed Jan 8 21:02:00 2020
    Nodoka Hanamura wrote to dream master <=-

    anyone else notice a bug since the new year for daysago();

    It ain't the only one. Mystic's been shitting the bed lately when
    it comes to dates, mainly because PASCAL can't count to 2020 for
    some reason. I guess that's what happens when you make a program
    in a language old enough that it could be my mother. No offense
    to g00r00, of course. You're better off treading carefully with
    anything involving dates.

    Frankly I'm a little surprised at how so many folks stick with
    buggy, closed-source software, where the author disappears for
    months at a time, with no notice or reason given... Coming up on
    a year now since the last update, isn't it?

    Maybe you guys should upgrade to Synchronet... Problems are
    addressed nearly in real-time (by the author and others), and it's
    open-source so you can change it yourself if you want.

    Just a thought. Just a suggestion. :-)

    ... Pros are those who do their jobs well, even when they don't feel like it. === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (21:2/138)
  • From HusTler@21:4/10 to Gamgee on Thu Jan 9 15:56:56 2020
    Re: Re: bug in daysago()
    By: Gamgee to Nodoka Hanamura on Wed Jan 08 2020 09:02 pm

    Frankly I'm a little surprised at how so many folks stick with
    buggy, closed-source software, where the author disappears for

    Maybe you guys should upgrade to Synchronet... Problems are
    addressed nearly in real-time (by the author and others), and it's open-source so you can change it yourself if you want.

    Here Here. I'll second that!

    HusTler@ havens.synchro.net

    þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
    * Origin: fsxNet FTN<>QWK Gateway (21:4/10)
  • From dream master@21:1/163 to Nodoka Hanamura on Sun Jan 12 16:02:26 2020
    On 08 Jan 2020, Nodoka Hanamura said the following...
    It ain't the only one. Mystic's been shitting the bed lately when it
    comes to dates, mainly because PASCAL can't count to 2020 for some
    reason. I guess that's what happens when you make a program in a
    language old enough that it could be my mother. No offense to g00r00, of

    he is using free pascal that is way newer then the pascal language so im sure they made a patch by now.

    |08 .|05ú|13ù|15Dr|07e|08am Ma|07st|15er|13ù|05ú|08.
    |08 øù|05ú|13ùø |13øù|05ú|08ùø
    |11 DoRE|03!|11ACiDiC|03!|11Demonic

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: |08--[|15!|07dreamland BBS bbs.dreamlandbbs.org (21:1/163)
  • From dream master@21:1/163 to Netsurge on Sun Jan 12 16:05:24 2020
    On 08 Jan 2020, Netsurge said the following...
    anyone else notice a bug since the new year for daysago();
    Have you not been reading this echo? There is all sorts of things going wrong since 2020.

    when i posted it was before everyone did. ;p

    |08 .|05ú|13ù|15Dr|07e|08am Ma|07st|15er|13ù|05ú|08.
    |08 øù|05ú|13ùø |13øù|05ú|08ùø
    |11 DoRE|03!|11ACiDiC|03!|11Demonic

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: |08--[|15!|07dreamland BBS bbs.dreamlandbbs.org (21:1/163)
  • From g00r00@21:1/120 to Nodoka Hanamura on Mon Jan 20 06:36:58 2020
    It ain't the only one. Mystic's been shitting the bed lately when it
    comes to dates, mainly because PASCAL can't count to 2020 for some
    reason. I guess that's what happens when you make a program in a
    language old enough that it could be my mother. No offense to g00r00, of course. You're better off treading carefully with anything involving dates.

    This is nonsense. lol

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | cyberiabbs.zapto.org | San Jose, CA (21:1/120)
  • From g00r00@21:1/120 to Gamgee on Mon Jan 20 06:39:54 2020
    Frankly I'm a little surprised at how so many folks stick with
    buggy, closed-source software, where the author disappears for
    months at a time, with no notice or reason given... Coming up on
    a year now since the last update, isn't it?

    Probably because I've been doing it for 23 years straight, longer than anyone else.

    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full time
    provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to working my 50 hours
    a week at a real job.

    There have been plenty of builds over the past 10 months while I completely recoded the theme system, the installation, upgrade, and editors.

    Thanks for being an asshole though, this is a good reason why I don't bother
    to particpate much here.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | cyberiabbs.zapto.org | San Jose, CA (21:1/120)
  • From ryan@21:1/168 to g00r00 on Mon Jan 20 09:25:40 2020
    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full time provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to working my 50 hours a week at a real job.

    Yikes, sorry to hear it man. That's rough. As always, I thank you for your contributions to the community. I'm happy to donate $50 to the American
    Cancer Society as a token of my appreciation here.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/01/16 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: monterey bbs (21:1/168)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to g00r00 on Tue Jan 21 08:31:42 2020
    On 20 Jan 2020 at 06:39a, g00r00 pondered and said...

    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full time provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to working my 50 hours a week at a real job.

    Sorry to hear of all of this, some of which I knew, some not. I hope life
    gets a bit smoother soon for you.

    There have been plenty of builds over the past 10 months while I completely recoded the theme system, the installation, upgrade, and editors.

    Sounds like doing this has helped keep you sane.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@21:2/106 to g00r00 on Mon Jan 20 18:42:28 2020
    On 20 Jan 2020, g00r00 said the following...
    This is nonsense. lol

    I gave it a try, what can I say? :P

    Born too late to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS - neocinci.bbs.io:23 (21:2/106)
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@21:2/106 to g00r00 on Mon Jan 20 18:46:26 2020
    On 20 Jan 2020, g00r00 said the following...

    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full time provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to working my 50 hours a week at a real job.

    I know how that is. I spent the past several years up until her passing this time last year taking care of my mother, who was suffering from kidney
    failure, blindness, sarcoidosis and god knows what else not on the top of my head. Hopefully this year is better for you, g00r00.

    Born too late to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS - neocinci.bbs.io:23 (21:2/106)
  • From Phoobar@21:2/147 to g00r00 on Mon Jan 20 16:23:38 2020
    Probably because I've been doing it for 23 years straight, longer than anyone else.

    I...for one...want to thank you for putting in all the work you have to make
    a package which does work well & has everything you would need...rather than have to put together other programs like we used to have to do. Got my MCSE
    20 years ago and let's consider the bugs that Windows/Word/Firefox/IE has compared to Mystic. It would sometimes be years before Microsoft & others
    MIGHT consider doing anything about it...rather than the months we get with this software. I would take months over the BS of having to wait like what
    has happened in the past.

    If it wasn't for your work over all these years...would have no where else to hang out after getting the shaft from Facebook. This software gives me a
    reason to do something after having my mind numbed in retail.

    Thank you for everything you've done for all of us. I do appreciate the work you've put into this software.

    Phoobar/ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/SpookNet.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/01/16 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ACME BBS-I am Wile E Ki-oh-tay, super genius (21:2/147)
  • From g00r00@21:1/120 to Nodoka Hanamura on Mon Jan 20 17:05:42 2020
    This is nonsense. lol

    I gave it a try, what can I say? :P

    It was a fun read ;)

    People use Pascal stuff frequently without knowing it. Things like Skype, WinRAR, FruityLoops are all Pascal. A lot of Windows installer systems are built in Pascal for some reason too which is kind of odd.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | cyberiabbs.zapto.org | San Jose, CA (21:1/120)
  • From Vk3jed@21:1/109 to g00r00 on Tue Jan 21 13:39:00 2020
    On 01-20-20 06:39, g00r00 wrote to Gamgee <=-

    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full time provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to working my 50 hours a week at a real job.

    Ouch, sorry to hear things have been a bit tough of late. 2019 appears to have been tough for a number of people. :/ Let's hope 2020 treats you better.

    ... Bedfellows make strange politicians.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (21:1/109)
  • From Gamgee@21:2/138 to g00r00 on Mon Jan 20 21:37:00 2020
    g00r00 wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Frankly I'm a little surprised at how so many folks stick with
    buggy, closed-source software, where the author disappears for
    months at a time, with no notice or reason given... Coming up on
    a year now since the last update, isn't it?

    Probably because I've been doing it for 23 years straight, longer
    than anyone else.

    Could be, well done.

    But yeah I had a major surgery, my dad died, and I've been a full
    time provider for someone with stage 4 cancer in addition to
    working my 50 hours a week at a real job.

    Sorry to hear about all of that. Nothing fun about any of it, and
    I hope this new year brings improvements for you.

    There have been plenty of builds over the past 10 months while I completely recoded the theme system, the installation, upgrade,
    and editors.

    Okay... but were any of those available to anybody? My statement
    above was referring to official public releases, and was accurate.

    Thanks for being an asshole though, this is a good reason why I
    don't bother to particpate much here.

    I certainly wasn't trying to be an asshole, and apologize if you
    took it that way. I thought I was kind of summarizing/condensing
    what others had been saying, and honestly.... if you look back at
    what I wrote (above), is there anything there which is not
    factual? I don't think I said anything untrue there. Again,
    nothing personal about it, just observation and reality. Hope
    things get better for you and you can find time to continue your
    excellent contributions to the BBS community. Best regards.

    ... Internal Error: The system has been taken over by sheep at line 19960
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (21:2/138)