On 02 Mar 2019, g00r00 said the following...
Just a note with the latest pre-alpha MUTIL now creates and honors the BUSY system. This will fix the case where a TIC can be processed while the file is still downloading.
Thought I would mention this for the hubs out there in case they have any issues with it. Assuming it works well I will finally be removing the "busylog.txt" that everyone loves so much!
I tried updating this evening to v1.12 A43 Linux/64 Compiled 2019/03/02 20:53:49 and had to revert back to what I had prior which was v1.12 A43 Linux/64 Compiled 2019/02/23 19:41:03 because mutil would refuse to run due
to nodes being BUSY. I don't see anything in the outbound directories other than the .BSY file. I tried a few times manually deleting it and also running fidopoll killbusy but it immediately returns when I try to run mutil...
----------------- MUTIL v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 Sat, Mar 02 2019 (loglevel 1)
+ Mar 02 21:59:20 Startup using fidoin.ini
+ Mar 02 21:59:20 Process: Toss FDN/TIC Files
+ Mar 02 21:59:20 Results: 0 import, 0 toss, 0 hatch, 0 bad in 0.01s
+ Mar 02 21:59:20 Process: Importing EchoMail
+ Mar 02 22:00:20 Results: Cannot import. Some nodes are BUSY in 60.07s
! Mar 02 22:00:20 Status: FATAL
+ Mar 02 22:00:20 Process: Linking Messages
+ Mar 02 22:00:20 Results: Linked 0 msgs in 0.44s
+ Mar 02 22:00:20 Shutdown Normal (0)
Sorry I don't have a busylog.txt to refer to as I deleted it and made it read-only after it grew to over 200 gigs awhile ago.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/02/23 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Lightning BBS -- lightningbbs.com:2400 (21:1/185)