• Frustration

    From garycrunk@21:2/105 to All on Wed Nov 15 23:45:40 2017
    days to go visit family, and now that I've returned, I cannot remember for
    the life of me where I left off... I just can't remember what I was working
    on and what program I was writing...

    So just a little frustrated trying to find out what I was doing and where.... Not Fun...

    ----=[ Gary Crunk * Another F-ing BBS * anotherbbs.bbsindex.com ]=----

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A34 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Another F-ing BBS (21:2/105)
  • From RiPuk@21:1/136 to garycrunk on Thu Nov 16 11:40:18 2017
    On Nov 16th 6:47 am garycrunk said...
    So just a little frustrated trying to find out what I was doing and where.... Not Fun...

    Git is yoir friend, my friend. If you combine that with Github, you get a nice "Here's what Gary did" feed...:-)

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.8-alpha (linux; arm; 6.11.3)
    * Origin: fORCE9 BBS - London, UK - bbs.force9.org (21:1/136)
  • From NuSkooler@21:1/121 to garycrunk on Thu Nov 16 09:03:30 2017
    On Wednesday, November 15th garycrunk was heard saying...
    I've been working on a Door Game, it's pretty extensive. I had to take 6 days to go visit family, and now that I've returned, I cannot remember for the life of me where I left off... I just can't remember what I was working on and what program I was writing...

    Hehe, know the feeling. I've had to take up to 6 month breaks for profesional projects before (e.g. moved to another project for a while). It's like starting
    from scratch at that point.

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.8-alpha (linux; x64; 6.11.3)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (21:1/121)