• NetMail Support

    From NuSkooler@21:1/121 to All on Sun Sep 17 18:34:40 2017
    I'm starting to prep for adding NetMail support to Enig... Created a new issue on GitHub to track it. If you're "in the know" about NetMail, please let me know what I'm missing!


    Basically, my ideas are as such:
    * User to user NetMail in enig's "private" mail section
    * If you type in a user@<ftn_address> it will attempt to send to that address
    * If you explicit select "Send NetMail" opt, you'll be able to search for
    addresses by arbritary search across system nodelist (e.g. to find the address)
    * System will combine incoming nodelists / diffs -> internal DB
    * Support AreaFix -- looking for feedback on required features here. What do
    people actually use/need? I'd like to be able to auto-sub to areas for e.g.
    * Other... ??!!

    FTS-5000 and FTS-5001 seem to be the main. The GitHub issue I linked shows more.

    Any suggestions / info welcome!!

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.8-alpha (linux; x64; 6.11.3)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (21:1/121)
  • From apam@21:1/125 to NuSkooler on Mon Sep 18 10:46:02 2017
    * Support AreaFix -- looking for feedback on required features here.

    The only thing that comes to mind for me is ENigma will need to be able
    to act as an uplink, other wise areafix is kind of pointless I think?


    --- MagickaBBS v0.6alpha (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: Exotica BBS - telnet://exoticabbs.com:2023/ (21:1/125)
  • From bcw142@21:1/145 to NuSkooler on Mon Sep 18 02:40:54 2017
    On 09/17/17, NuSkooler said the following...

    I'm starting to prep for adding NetMail support to Enig... Created a new issue on GitHub to track it. If you're "in the know" about NetMail,
    please let me know what I'm missing!


    With netmail generally comes Areafix and Filefix and possibly Hatching files. Still one thing at a time, user to user, has to come first. Then AreaFix programing and other such uplink and downlink handling for message bases.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A35 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Mystic Pi BBS bcw142.zapto.org (21:1/145)