NetStats 4.0.3 2022/11/14
Input Nodelist /home/mbse/var/nodelist/nodelist.322
Date 2022/11/18
File Size 170.64 KBytes.
The Nodelist has 940 Nodes in it
and a total of 1369 non-comment entries.
Includes 4 Zones
33 Regions
167 Hosts
58 Hubs
Admin Overhead 262 (27.87%)
and 95 private nodes
37 nodes down
35 nodes on hold
Offline Overhead 167 ( 17.77%)
CrashMail capable 841 (89.47%)
MailOnly Nodes 270 (28.72%)
Zone Break Down
Zone 1 :
Region 10
Hosts 54
Hubs 1
Sysops 387
Hold 6
Down 25
Pvt 26
Zone 2 :
Region 17
Hosts 104
Hubs 55
Sysops 510
Hold 28
Down 12
Pvt 56
Zone 3 :
Region 2
Hosts 4
Hubs 0
Sysops 26
Hold 0
Down 0
Pvt 1
Zone 4 :
Region 4
Hosts 5
Hubs 2
Sysops 17
Hold 1
Down 0
Pvt 12
Total Active Sysops 940 Excluding Overheads
The following values include Down, Hold and Private sysops
Speed Summaries (zero omitted)
33600 = 25 ( 2.66%)
9600 = 154 ( 16.38%)
(H16 = 20 ( 12.99%)
(HST = 2 ( 1.30%)
(V32 = 51 ( 33.12%)
(V32B = 18 ( 11.69%)
(V32T = 21 ( 13.64%)
(V34 = 67 ( 43.51%)
(V42 = 50 ( 32.47%)
(V42B = 17 ( 11.04%)
2400 = 1 ( 0.11%)
300 = 760 (80.85%)
ISDN = 1 ( 0.11%)
File Request Statuses (zero omitted)
XA = 167 (17.77%)
XR = 5 ( 0.53%)
XW = 36 ( 3.83%)
XX = 152 (16.17%)
Flag Protocol Systems
===== ======== =======
IBN Binkp 779 (82.87%)
IFC Raw ifcico 76 ( 8.09%)
IFT FTP 59 ( 6.28%)
ITN Telnet 171 (18.19%)
IVM Vmodem 16 ( 1.70%)
INO4 IPv6 only 5 ( 0.53%)
IP Others 2 ( 0.21%)
Report produced by Netstats - A P.D. program
Updated by Vincent Coen and available from 2:250/1 ]
and at
NetStats 4.0.3 2022/11/14
--- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)