• almost-new pc with win10

    From August Abolins@2:221/360 to Nick Andre on Sun Jan 12 06:42:41 2020
    On 1/10/2020 2:08 AM, between "Nick Andre : August Abolins":

    My first Thinkpad, T40p, developed a common screen
    fade/blank problem.. Then, it ran quite well until the
    fan started to make noise, and sometimes refuse to boot

    Yup, I've seen those problems before. The inverter is
    usually the problem, then the VGA ribbon cable. The fan
    problems I've seen were always rare but caked with cigarette
    smoke or dust. Sometimes the fan would need to be replaced
    because the bearings would be worn.

    The T40 screen is not as bright as on the T60 or even the new T540p, but
    the plan is to retire it and use it as a Spotify server for the
    house. I could always control it from the network with another instance
    of Spotify, VNC, or even an external monitor if I must. So the laptop
    screen is not critical. Other then the fan problem (and it is most
    likely the bearings based on the noise) at startup, it still works great
    - and the fan doesn't need to run all the time.

    I didn't have a chance to elaborate on what I meant by the cheapo-models...

    So what happens is the customer who owns the cheap model
    opens/closes from the "side" of the screen eventually
    breaking or wearing out the hinge on one side.

    Heheheh.. I see people with the widescreens doing exactly that. It is
    sad to see the lids not lay perfectly flat on close.

    My el cheapo G530 (albiet I don't consider $650 a cheap laptop for year
    2009) seems to have a fairly rigid construction all round.

    ...I always hibernate and the SSD is lightning fast.
    I *could* put an SSD into the old Fidonet Thinkpad, but the
    amount of heavy disk-access from tossing mail would likely
    wear it out quicker I think.

    There is the whole matter of TRIM with SSD to maximize life and wear.
    Only Windows 7 and up implements it by default. Linux, depends.

    I have already sourced Win7pro, and almost convinced to
    just go for it. But I'll finish the darn Win10 setup..

    Well like Kurt said, Windows 10 unfortunately is here to
    stay and Windows 7 is on its way out for support. I'm
    sticking with 7 however. I rarely do anything on my T440P
    other than Remote Desktop and web surfing. Its already
    pretty locked-down and fully backed-up to a disk image, just
    in case.

    There is the old adage: "If it ain't broke.."

    I am still debating whether I should accept the Win10 on the T540p or
    send it back. There is one sticky/noisy key on the keyboard that is
    probably going to help me make up my mind and request an RMA.

    Win10 will introduce its own security problems and the constant feed of security updates. I could always downgrade to Win10 later! LOL

    About a month ago, I actually finished reinstalling Win7 on someone's
    poorly matched pc that was using Win10. By poorly matched, I say not
    enough ram, and the "old" pc was already maximized. Win7 took several
    hours to finish all the backlist of updates. That was a painful wait.
    But after that, Win7 was a snappier performer than Win10 ever was on
    that laptop.

    --- Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to August Abolins on Sun Jan 12 01:37:00 2020
    On 12 Jan 20 06:42:41, August Abolins said the following to Nick Andre:

    The T40 screen is not as bright as on the T60 or even the new T540p, but
    the plan is to retire it and use it as a Spotify server for the
    house. I could always control it from the network with another instance
    of Spotify, VNC, or even an external monitor if I must. So the laptop

    I'm not the biggest fan of streaming-music sites, I already have an elaborate collection of music as it is, but I do like XM radio.

    Heheheh.. I see people with the widescreens doing exactly that. It is
    sad to see the lids not lay perfectly flat on close.

    No customer ever listened to my suggestion of opening a wide-screen laptop
    from the middle and not the sides.

    ...I always hibernate and the SSD is lightning fast.
    I *could* put an SSD into the old Fidonet Thinkpad, but the
    amount of heavy disk-access from tossing mail would likely
    wear it out quicker I think.

    There is the whole matter of TRIM with SSD to maximize life and wear.
    Only Windows 7 and up implements it by default. Linux, depends.

    I'm reluctant to touch the Fidonet setup, its been working for so long in its current state. Hard drive replacements or hardware maintenance would likely
    be the only thing I'll ever do on it anymore at this point.

    I am still debating whether I should accept the Win10 on the T540p or
    send it back. There is one sticky/noisy key on the keyboard that is probably going to help me make up my mind and request an RMA.

    One key that doesnt work on a keyboard would be enough to drive me nuts but thats my OCD-personality.

    Win10 will introduce its own security problems and the constant feed of security updates. I could always downgrade to Win10 later! LOL

    I absolutely cannot stand the mess that is Windows 10. Three different interfaces glued together on something that phones-home and likes to tell me how and when it will update. No thanks.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.59 to Nick Andre on Sun Jan 12 18:29:28 2020
    Hello Nick,

    the plan is to retire it and use it as a Spotify server for the
    house. I could always control it from the network with another instance
    of Spotify, VNC, or even an external monitor if I must. So the laptop

    I'm not the biggest fan of streaming-music sites, I already have an elaborate collection of music as it is, but I do like XM radio.

    I did *not* think I would ever stay with my Spotify subscription. At first, it was a free 3-months for $0.99. Then I decided, I'll just stay for a 3 more months and still be paying less cumulatively than the typical $10/mo for the same period.

    But when I learned that it has an off-line mode, I was sold. That is ideal for me since I don't have unlimited internet at home. I can "store" the tunes and paylists on the device, and take the device home to play. If I want new tunes, I just have to take the device where I can have unlimited internet.

    It is really quite nice to audition the full pieces of a newly discovered artist or album. Even looking up old material is very handy.

    No customer ever listened to my suggestion of opening a wide-screen
    laptop from the middle and not the sides.

    ..or opening with both hands at the sides is ok.

    I am still debating whether I should accept the Win10 on the T540p or
    send it back. There is one sticky/noisy key on the keyboard that is
    probably going to help me make up my mind and request an RMA.

    One key that doesnt work on a keyboard would be enough to drive me nuts but thats my OCD-personality.

    It must be driving me nuts. I received it on the 7th. I started the Win10 setup that night and got discouraged when it needed an internet connection (I only had my mobile hotspot at home). Then, exploring the keyboard feel while it was turned off, I noticed the sticky/noisy key. It's the only one that does that! I haven't touched the computer since.

    ..I could always downgrade to Win10 later! LOL

    I absolutely cannot stand the mess that is Windows 10. Three different interfaces glued together on something that phones-home and likes to tell me how and when it will update. No thanks.

    I don't want surprises. I have a set of existing/registered apps that I know will cooperate nicely in Win7, but staying Win10 might cause some favourite apps to break. I just want to get on with using a computer and not spend time working my way around a new OS before I can get anything done.

    Yep.. An RMA request is in order. I paid enough for this thing, they may as well get the order right.


    --- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
    * Origin: Please write your complaint in this box [ ] - Legibly (2:221/1.59)
  • From Stephen Walsh@3:633/280 to August Abolins on Mon Jan 13 16:26:27 2020

    Hello August!

    12 Jan 20 18:29, you wrote to Nick Andre:

    It must be driving me nuts. I received it on the 7th. I started the Win10 setup that night and got discouraged when it needed an internet connection (I only had my mobile hotspot at home). Then, exploring

    Win 10 will let you go though it's initial setup without a internet connection.
    When it ask's for one, down in the laft bottome of the screen will be (This is from memory), a option that says "Continue with limited setup".
    Click on that, and then it will go to the next step, reboot the machine and ask again. Click on it again, and it will then ask for a user name (Just like the old
    setups did). It might do this three times (Anoyaning as hell).

    Once you'r at the desktop, you ready to go. But it will also say that it's found a network when you plug one in, and there is a option to just close that or use the
    Alt-F4 combination to kill it.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: Dragon's Lair ---:- dragon.vk3heg.net -:--- (3:633/280)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to NICK ANDRE on Sun Jan 12 10:22:00 2020

    I absolutely cannot stand the mess that is Windows 10. Three different NA>interfaces glued together on something that phones-home and likes to tell me
    how and when it will update. No thanks.

    A fellow ham radio operator refers to Windows 10 as "Satan's Little
    Sextoy". <G>

    I've gotten it to work the way I want it, and with utilities from
    IObit software, the system looks like the way I had it under Windows 7.
    The one thing I don't like on the 64-bit version (on the laptop) is
    that it's constantly turning ON the "Focus Assist", and I do NOT want it

    The ONLY reason I upgraded, was because of the security issues.

    Best Buy was selling 32-bit versions of Windows 10 for $140
    each...while Microsoft wanted $200 each. I put the 32-bit versions on my
    late Mom's computer, and the BBS computer...but had to buy the Lenovo
    Laptop with 64-bit version...as the previous laptop (which I bought at a
    ham radio hamfest flea market) had Windows Vista Basic on it...and it
    would not let me upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7.


    * OLX 1.53 * Why do nurses leave the room when you get undressed??
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Richard Miles@1:3634/24 to Daryl Stout on Mon Jan 13 05:24:52 2020
    On 12 Jan 2020, Daryl Stout said the following...

    The one thing I don't like on the 64-bit version (on the laptop) is
    that it's constantly turning ON the "Focus Assist", and I do NOT want it on.

    If you go under settings - focus assist, then go down to Automatic Rules, set all of the individual switches off and it shouldn't bother you any more.

    -=>Richard Miles<=-
    -=>Captain Obvious<=-

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Shadowscope BBS | bbs.shadowscope.com | Temple, GA (1:3634/24)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Daryl Stout on Tue Jan 14 21:31:00 2020
    In a message on 01-12-20 Daryl Stout said to Nick Andre:

    Hi Daryl,

    I absolutely cannot stand the mess that is Windows 10. Three different NA>interfaces glued together on something that phones-home and likes to
    tell me how and when it will update. No thanks.

    In Windows Pro you can setup how you want the updates in three ways:
    To only be informed that there is an update available, to choose upload
    now, and postpone the update to later when it will tell you the next date

    You can also setup if you want, or dont it to tell M$ what you're doing.

    A fellow ham radio operator refers to Windows 10 as "Satan's
    Little Sextoy". <G>

    I'm far away from being an expert on Windows 10 but I have learnt some
    things along the way. I do really favor OS/2 to run my BBS.

    The one thing I don't like on the 64-bit version (on the laptop)
    is that it's constantly turning ON the "Focus Assist", and I do NOT
    want it on.

    I have not had that problem. I'm almost shure I have turned it off some-

    The ONLY reason I upgraded, was because of the security issues.

    Since XP I have used external firewall and antivirus programs since M$
    was very slow to upgrade their supplied ones.

    Presently I'm using ZoneAlarm as a firewall and AVG as antivirus program
    both are available as free programs. Recently AVG has added AVG Browser
    which is a front-end to start my Firefox and also added firewall and VPN

    I have not added the firewall or VPN to my setup but turned off the
    Windows Defender. Both ZoneAlarm and AVG + AVG Browser have free versions
    that I'm using. I don't know if AVG's VPN and Firewall are free since I
    haven't added them yet.

    Why do nurses leave the room when you get undressed??

    CU AGN, Sam, OH0NC
    aka Holger

    .. "Sam", OH0NC - Aland Islands / 20 deg. E / 60 deg. N
    -- MR/2 2.30

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to RICHARD MILES on Tue Jan 14 12:04:00 2020

    The one thing I don't like on the 64-bit version (on the laptop) is that it's constantly turning ON the "Focus Assist", and I do NOT want on.

    If you go under settings - focus assist, then go down to Automatic Rules, se
    all of the individual switches off and it shouldn't bother you any more.

    I finally found it. I hate it when being forced to do something I
    don't want to do. For that matter, that applies to everybody.


    * OLX 1.53 * Winter is a Sysops friend...Thunderstorms are the enemy.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to HOLGER GRANHOLM on Wed Jan 15 00:58:00 2020

    In Windows Pro you can setup how you want the updates in three ways:
    To only be informed that there is an update available, to choose upload HG>now, and postpone the update to later when it will tell you the next date

    You can also setup if you want, or dont it to tell M$ what you're doing.

    I have the active hours set, so it normally occurs overnight. The only
    reason I'm still up was that I had to work on a publication for square
    dancing, and to prepare a "nets list file" of selected D-Star, D-Rats,
    and Echolink Nets...with links to D-Star HF, DMR, HamSphere, and CQ100
    Nets. I normally release them on the 1st and 15th of the month, but with thunderstorms coming in later today (15th) into Saturday, if I don't do
    it before the storms arrive, it'll be Sunday (19th) before I can send
    the file out.

    A fellow ham radio operator refers to Windows 10 as "Satan's
    Little Sextoy". <G>

    I'm far away from being an expert on Windows 10 but I have learnt some HG>things along the way. I do really favor OS/2 to run my BBS.

    I ran OS/2 Warp for a short time years ago. I've run DOS 3, 5, 6, 6.2,
    6.22, DesqView, and Windows 95, 98, XP, 7, and 10. My first BBS, though,
    was on a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 Laptop Computer.

    I have not had that problem. I'm almost shure I have turned it off HG>somewhere.

    Finally found the setting, and shut it off.

    The ONLY reason I upgraded, was because of the security issues.

    Since XP I have used external firewall and antivirus programs since M$ HG>was very slow to upgrade their supplied ones.

    I use the IObit Program Suite now. I don't care for Microsoft's items.

    Presently I'm using ZoneAlarm as a firewall and AVG as antivirus program HG>both are available as free programs. Recently AVG has added AVG Browser HG>which is a front-end to start my Firefox and also added firewall and VPN

    I've seen that AVG deal and ZoneAlarm...but some programs really throw
    a fit with them.

    I have not added the firewall or VPN to my setup but turned off the HG>Windows Defender. Both ZoneAlarm and AVG + AVG Browser have free versions HG>that I'm using. I don't know if AVG's VPN and Firewall are free since I HG>haven't added them yet.

    I was wondering if one could turn off the Windows Defender, without
    being blasted with nasty messages.

    Why do nurses leave the room when you get undressed??

    I prefer the females, as they tend to be gentler. But, I know some who
    won't go to the doctors, because "they don't want to be seen naked". The medical folks have seen more breasts, genitalia, and buttocks that we'll
    see in our lives, and nudity means nothing to them. To me, they're there
    to save my butt, and not kiss it.

    Besides, being a widower nearly 13 years, I know "what's under the
    hood", and that "we're all the same from the backside".


    * OLX 1.53 * Sign in Restroom: Toilet Out Of Order. Use Floor Below.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)