Datastorm 2014 was held in Gothenburg, Sweden last weekend (and an awesome party i might add!). This was the last time it was held at the current location, which is a place called "truckstop alaska" or something. It's a
semi illegal bar and this was the 5th datastorm.
Ascii results:
1. kill all humans by spot/ds! & uprough
2. 'fro ssho by h7 / accession & dS!
3. amiga will never be eaten by dirty hipsters by Abho & dMG
4. ??? by ne7
5. get high on ascii by Zefyros / DeZign
6. a twisted datastorm by devistator / twisted
7. faic ASCII by Faic
complete results from
|08.\ |15H7 |08blocktronics|07accession|08trsi|07haciend
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* Origin: Posted in - Haciend El Bananas (46:2/101)