• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 0541

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Apr 27 18:14:38 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 271814
    SPC MCD 271813=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 0541
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0113 PM CDT Sat Apr 27 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest TX to north-central OK

    Concerning...Tornado Watch 146...

    Valid 271813Z - 271945Z

    The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 146 continues.

    SUMMARY...Near-term severe threat appears bimodal with discrete
    supercells from northwest Texas into southwest Oklahoma, and
    separately in north-central Oklahoma with supercells embedded within
    a slow-moving cluster.

    DISCUSSION...A trio of discrete supercells are ongoing across a part
    of northwest TX into far southwest OK, just ahead of the pronounced
    dryline. The relatively most favorable thermodynamic environment is
    just ahead of these cells. Large hail will be the primary initial
    threat, but as supercells mature, the tornado threat should
    correspondingly increase amid 0-1 km SRH of 100-200 m2/s2 per FDR
    VWP data.=20

    Long-lived cluster with embedded supercell structures has gradually
    progressed northeastward over northwest into north-central OK. This
    has left a substantial cold pool in its wake with surface
    temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s, minimizing the severe
    threat to its northwest in the near-term. Given the cluster=20
    aligning nearly parallel to the deep-layer shear vector, the primary
    severe threat will likely be confined along the immediate leading
    edge of this cluster within small-scale bowing structures
    approaching the I-35 corridor.

    ..Grams.. 04/27/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!8HIJEv8jddIYqAdAU9YfUV1Bly6EB795ZubLcXrJ0i5l8oSf5MFCcAJWzCYHJLuBOtwoKDIiP= Jxw0zmWkTD-muDGZ5U$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 33490031 34609970 35809921 36369852 36919814 36879703
    36529679 35539765 34439786 32939939 32650001 32950044

    =3D =3D =3D
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