Run ;exec msglist mailAs sysop from the BBS menuGo to an incoming email:│ Subj: Second Test│ Attr: KillSent│ To : <> #1│ From: (│ Date: Wed Sep 21 2022 03:03:16 UTC-5:00 (1 minutes ago) R to reply. I'm asked to answer Network email address (Example: user@domain) which is already filled
in.nigel@sysadmininc.comI hit enter and get the message No NetMail allowed.Failed to sendSame if I use the M option.I'm sending from the sysop account which has no restrictions.Now, after checking all that, I checked scfg and it seems that the "Allow Sending of E-mail" magically turned itself to "No". Along with Allow file attachments, and inbound/outbound semaphores are blank.Seems your conversion from cnf to ini broke the internet email settings.
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)