Jul 10 06:50:16 bbs synchronet: web 0007 HTTPS connection accepted from: port 46778Jul 10 06:50:16 bbs synchronet: web 0096 HTTPS connection accepted from: port 44218Jul 10 06:50:16 bbs synchronet: web 0007 Request: GET /?page=001-forum.ssjs&sub=met_metgen&thread=174 HTTP/1.1Jul 10 06:50:16 bbs synchronet: web 0096 Request: GET /?page=001-forum.ssjs&sub=mingenan&thread=11399 HTTP/1.1Jul 10 06:50:16 bbs synchronet: web 0007 Sending file: /sbbs/tmp/SBBS_SSJS.3386621.7.html (0 bytes)Jul 10 06:50:18 bbs synchronet: web 0014 Request: GET /?page=001-forum.ssjs&sub=cscn_ncaab HTTP/1.1Jul 10 06:50:18 bbs synchronet: web 0096 Sending file: /sbbs/tmp/SBBS_SSJS.3386621.96.html (0 bytes)Jul 10 06:50:18 bbs synchronet: web 0014 Sending file: /sbbs/tmp/SBBS_SSJS.3386621.14.html (0 bytes)Jul 10 06:50:18 bbs synchronet: web 0007 HTTPS connection accepted from: port 47404Jul 10 06:50:18 bbs synchronet: web 0007 Session thread terminated (8 clients, 20 threads remain, 186489 served)Jul 10 06:50:19 bbs synchronet: web 0007 Request: GET /?page=001-forum.ssjs&sub=met_metgen&thread=175 HTTP/1.1Jul 10 06:50:19 bbs synchronet: web 0096 Session thread terminated (8 clients, 19 threads remain, 186489 served)Jul 10 06:50:19 bbs synchronet: web 0007 Sending file: /sbbs/tmp/SBBS_SSJS.3386621.7.html (0 bytes)It's causing a fair amount of disk activity writing and then deleting these files, especially when I'm getting crawled.
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)