When scanning for new messages across all boards (/N or (N)(A)), the following occurs.**Expected Behavior**1. New message scan is initiated from menu.2. When no new message found, move to next sub-board and continue scan.3. If message found, pause scan and read message. User continues to use forward/back/list/etc to read or reply to messages.4. Once reaching the end of the sub using [enter] or [right-arrow], prompt to go to next sub-board.5. When user chooses "Yes", resume scan in next sub-board.6. Go back to 2 and continue.**Current Behavior - Changes starting at 5**1. New message scan is initiated from menu.2. When no new message found, move to next sub-board and continue scan.3. If message found, pause scan and read message. User continues to use forward/back/list/etc to read or reply to messages.4. Once reaching the end of the sub using [enter] or [right-arrow], prompt to go to next sub-board.5. When user chooses "Yes", message list of current sub-board appears.6. [Q] aborts the scan. [Enter] continues moves to the next sub-board and resumes the scan.7. Go back to 2 and continue.Also, there's a dev console.print left in the code at line 2886.
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)