Looking at the code, I saw no explanation for the issue report (we always use the MX records if their are any).And I could not reproduce the issue either:Nov 7 11:34:41 cvs sbbs: mail 0000 SEND getting MX records for from 7 11:34:41 cvs sbbs: mail 0207 SEND resolving SMTP hostname: www.sysadmininc.comNov 7 11:34:41 cvs sbbs: mail 0207 SEND connecting to port 25 on []Nov 7 11:34:41 cvs sbbs: mail 0207 SEND connected to www.sysadmininc.comNov 7 11:34:42 cvs sbbs: mail 0207 SEND Starting TLS sessionNov 7 11:34:42 cvs sbbs: mail 0207 SEND TLS Session started successfully
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)