Currently postit.js resides in the exec directory and the code uses the same as rootdir to save the databases (.dat and .his) ```var security_required=argv[1]; //SECOND PASSED ARGUMENT FOR SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED TO POSTvar root_name=argv[0]; //ROOT DATAFILE NAME, USED TO SEPARATE INSTANCES OF THE PROGRAMvar root_dir;try { barfitty.barf(barf); } catch(e) { root_dir = e.fileName; }root_dir = root_dir.replace(/[^\/\\]*$/,'');var current=new MessageList(root_dir,root_name,".dat");var history=new MessageList(root_dir,root_name,".his");```I think it is better if you can configure (maybe via modopts.ini) the path where they should be saved or at least use the system.data_dir directory directly.thanks!
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)