That error indicates that the script could not read your private key from letsyncrypt.key, but that there's already a private key in that file. The most likely causes of this issue are that the hostname of the AJAX service has changed (ie: the Host line in the State section of your INI file), or your system password has changed.If you recently changed your system password, it's possible that my change to scfg which updated private keys when the system password is changed missed that file. If that's the case, keeping your private key will require some effort on your part... basically, you'll need to change your system password back to the old one using the current scfg, then update scfg and change it to the new one.I'll update this ticket when/if I make that commit.
--- SBBSecho 3.13-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)