Re: BBS not appearing on Inte
By: Nick Young to All on Thu Mar 04 2021 03:20 pm
Subject: BBS not appearing on Inter-BBS list
Hi All,
Not sure if anyone knows anything about this but it seems like this BBS doesn't appear on the Inter-BBS message list.
I logged on to VERT to check and I can see myself on there from this BBS (TFSI), but not the other way round.
Any ideas?
Have you read this: ?
digital man
Synchronet "Real Fact" #29:
Rob Swindell first called BBSes (at 300bps) with an Apple II computer in 1982. Norco, CA WX: 66.2øF, 50.0% humidity, 0 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
--- SBBSecho 3.13-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)