@rswindell i just update and the timeout still show:```Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Attempting callout for 4:90/1@fidonet, file: /sbbs/fido/outbound/005a0001.outNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL JSBinkP/1.123 callout to 4:90/1@fidonet startedNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL connecting to 4:90/1@fidonet at 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Connecting to 4:90/1@fidonet at 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Connection to successfulNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: OPT CRYPTNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: SYS Dock Sud BBSNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: ZYZ RagnarokNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: LOC Dock Sud, Bs As, ArgentinaNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: NDL 115200,TCP,BINKPNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: TIME Thu Nov 26 2020 23:20:17 GMT-0300Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_NUL command args: VER BinkIT/2.39,JSBinkP/1.123,sbbs3.18c/Linux binkp/1.1Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_NUL commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_ADR command args: 4:902/26@fidonet 21:2/151@fsxnet 666:1/1@latinet 618:500/45@micronetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_ADR commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BIN
KPOLL Got M_NUL command args: OPT MB CRAM-MD5-xxxxxxxxNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: SYS Momia BBSNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: ZYZ Manuel AdorniNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: LOC La Plata, Buenos Aires, ARGNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: NDL ALLNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: TIME 2020/11/26 23:31:47 -5:00Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_NUL command args: VER Internet Rex 2.29 Win32 (binkp/1.1)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Peer version: Internet Rex 2.29 Win32Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Peer ended their VER with " (binkp/1.1)" instead of the required " binkp/1.1", but we're assuming binkp 1.1 anywayNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Parsed BinkP version: 1.1Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_ADR command args: 4:90/1.0@fidonet 4:4/0.0@fidonet 4:90/0.0@fidonet 4:902/0.0@fidonet 4:902/27.0@fidonet 4:902/100.0@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_PWD command args: CRAM-MD5-3c4d1eed92f32e6090b9e18d1f26bd3eNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_PWD commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_OK command args:Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Authentication successful:Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unconfigured address 4:4/0@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unconfigured address 4:90/0@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unconfigured address 4:902/0@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unconfigured address 4:902/27@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unconfigured address 4:902/100@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Adding outbound files for 4:90/1@fidonet (object)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt
BINKPOLL Adding '/sbbs/fido/outbound/005a0001.out' as 'cmi0zjh4.pkt'Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending file: /sbbs/fido/outbound/005a0001.out (0.4KB)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_FILE command args: cmi0zjh4.pkt 359 1606443498 0Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_FILE commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending 359 bytes of dataNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent file: /sbbs/fido/outbound/005a0001.out (0.4KB)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_EOB command args:Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_EOB commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got M_FILE command args: AQL9MG80.TIC 522 1606443566 0Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Receiving file: /sbbs/temp/event/AQL9MG80.TIC (0.5KB)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Got data frame length 522Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Received file: /sbbs/temp/event/AQL9MG80.TIC (0.5KB)Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Moving '/sbbs/temp/event/AQL9MG80.TIC' to '/sbbs/fido/inbound/AQL9MG80.TIC'.Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sending M_GOT command args: AQL9MG80.TIC 522 1606443566Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Sent M_GOT commandNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Timed out receiving packet data from remote: 4:90/1@fidonet,4:4/0@fidonet,4:90/0@fidonet,4:902/0@fidonet,4:902/27@fidonet,4: 902/100@fidonetNov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Unlocking /sbbs/fido/outbound/005a0001.bsy.Nov 26 23:20:17 scarlet synchronet: evnt BINKPOLL Locking /sbbs/fido/outbound/03860019.bsy```
--- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)