Re: Sysop irc pager
By: mlong to echicken on Mon Nov 02 2020 19:51:00
echicken, in the sysop irc pager (chat_pager) it says if you run the irc bot as a service, it will work properly (and does not work from jsexec).
I suspect I used a Queue to pass messages between bot & client on BBS, making this necessary. I should change that to just use a file or the JSON service or something.
How do I run it as a service?
You can add ircbot.js as an entry in ctrl/services.ini. Mine is like this:
IIRC you must specify a port number, and that port must be available, even though the bot doesn't actually listen for connections. This is a bit hacky but keeps the bot running under your services thread.
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