Obviously the BBC isn't really made for ANSI displays. It would be interesting to see if it's possible to get sbbs to become a viewdata(7E1)
host at best or at least supporting BBC and grahics in 8N1 at least.Maybe
Anyway, for anyone interested in this, it was accomplished using the BeebEM BBC emulator with tpcser running on the PC as a gateway to the internet, and CommStar.
My approach was to see how DM has done the PETSCI stuff, and then just add ViewData port, and logic to send viewdata pages.
I've used BeebEM (on a MAC) - and since it can do tcpip, I've used their viewdata emulator to render viewdata frames from a Pi running VHOST (RISC OS).
Easier said than done. I did a fair amount of work on it and ditched in favor of writing a service. It's working nicely and I'm populating itwith
content from rss feeds, just to give it something for people to look at. Some of the pages don't parse correctly for now, but otherwise it's agood
starting point.
Re: SBBS on a BBC Microwith
By: Nelgin to alterego on Thu Jul 23 2020 11:09 am
Easier said than done. I did a fair amount of work on it and ditched in favor of writing a service. It's working nicely and I'm populating it
at.content from rss feeds, just to give it something for people to look
goodSome of the pages don't parse correctly for now, but otherwise it's a
Javascript.starting point.
What did you write your service in?
I originally started writing a viewdata service in PHP - had it functionaltoo - that handled both ANSI and Viewdata char sets. I have the viewdata char set running off my website (although I should bring it up again).
I ported everything to run in javascript via Synchronet, and the reason Iwent that path is I wanted to leverage the mail and mailer functions that Synchronet provides (for sending data between nodes and echomail) as well as user administration and access controls.
My goal is to make this InterBBS - I have a crazy idea of having a "BBSInternet" - where many nodes run the interface and page updates make it to each node (hence using mail in Synchronet). IE: You could be the "owner" of prefix "123" and as you update pages in that prefix on your BBS, it is sent to all other nodes as well - so any user on any BBS can see your frames in "123".
My Sychronet implementation is working - I've made it available with ANSI,since I thought that would be easier for folks to consume (eg: using just a Syncterm), and with better real-eastate (80x22 cols and ANSI colors - although I'd like to extend that to ANSI 256 colors).
You can navigate to frames *xxx# and 00 09 *# ** are working as well. I'vealso just finished frame edit so *04# or *04page[a-z] enables you to edit/add new frames. (Edit is not complete, because I need to have page configuration online as well - but you edit the resulting frame file at the moment.)
We should combine efforts - and then get DM to enable a viewdata port :)
I wouldn't be up for that. I wouldn't want people I don't know adding content to my system beyond which is already available on the 'netsunless
I give them some sort of authorization.
Maybe but it seems like we're taking different approaches. I'm going for the complete look and feel and it seems you're emulating it via ansi?
I've used BeebEM (on a MAC) - and since it can do tcpip, I've usedCan't say I've ever noticed that BeebEm can do notice natice tcp/ip. I'll have to look into that.
their viewdata emulator to render viewdata frames from a Pi running
I think I told you a lie here - I wasnt using BeebEM after all - I wasusing
the BBCBasic emulator...
Running the emulator, there is a telstar client which works well...
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